Chapter 5

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When I woke up, after I don't know how long since the plane crashed ,the first thing I saw when I opened my eyes was the plane broken in half in this hot but big island in the middle of the ocean with my legs along with my while body dangling down only being held by the seatbelt then I felt pain everywhere, my whole body was shaking full with bruises, cuts probably a broken right leg because I couldn't feel it or move it" fuck fuck fuck! "I yelled out in pain when I tried moving so I just gave up tearing up and only then I noticed Emma next to me" NO! please no! " I groaned when I moved my hands to check her, but when I felt she wasn't breathing I broke down crying even more

Emma's head was leaned on her right shoulder with her mouth and eyes open a bit, her body was far worse than Elsa's with almost every broken bone with no pulse, behind them were Chloe and her boyfriend and only then Elsa thought about them and saw them

As I was crying like a mental person because my best friend was dead my mind went to Chloe so I groaned more and tried calming my breathing down when I looked back and widened my eyes even more seeing and noticing that she was also dead, I started crying uncontrollably again,who would expect or what this to happen to one! Exactly!!.." Is anyone alive! H-hello! Please s-someone!! "I started yelling, thinking someone was alive and awake, I need to have hope but then I saw the other half of the plane half way in the ocean so my mind went to jack remembering how we were holding hands before I blacked out" JACK!! NO NO NO JACK!! " I was so shocked and devastated about my best friends and friends being dead that I didn't even though about the other half of the plane with the other half of the people and jack that might be alive" GOD PLEASE! " I unclipped my seat and fell down on the sand with a loud scream from the impact of my broken leg on the sand"AGHHHH!!! "

I sat on the sand with my right broken leg down and my left leg up groaning and breathing heavily "why... Why... Just... This shouldn't of happened!!" I wipped my tears trying to hold all the emotions I was feeling inside me because I know freaking out won't help me, I looked around and saw suitcases around the water and beach along with dead people floating and some laying on the sand, but one caught my eyes because I know exactly what he was wearing " JACK!!! " at this point I know I can't walk so I start crawling towards him, holding in all the pain

It took me about 10 seconds to crawl to him as fast as I can ,sweating from how hot it is and when I grasped him in my arms feeling his pulse I widened my eyes happily with a wide smile" you are alive... YOU'RE ALIVE!! YESS THANK GOD! " I started crying once again and leaned down hugging him tight not caring that he was wet"please wake up... Everyone is dead, I'm alone and scared, I don't know what to do... Please jack I don't need to lose you as well... "

About 15 minutes later Jack starts moving "where the hell am I...? " he says with a scrunched up face, trying to open his eyes

I gasped and smilled when I felt him move and talk" you're with me jack... Please be careful I don't know if you are hurt or not so please try doing this carefully.... "I started rambling being worried but in the same time I was so fucking happy that he is alive

" I'm okay just a bit dizzy... " he sits up groaning in pain"fuck... What happened? " he rubs his head looking around first seeing the two parts of the plane, one on the sand and one half way in the sea then he sees her and notices her condition "Elsa! Are you okay!? Where are you hurt!? " he asks looking at her worried

I widened my eyes when he sat up just like nothing happened. I guess he wasn't hurt besides the bruises and cuts. When I saw him scan the area I knew the moment he saw the state that I am was going to worry him, and it did "i-im okay.... As you can see we are the only ones alive so just a broken right leg will do" I smiled trying to brighten up the mood a bit " i-im have cuts and bruises like you but plus a broken leg.... "

"Why the fuck did this had to happen.... " jack says looking at her even more worried now that he knows her leg is broken" we will figure this out and get back home safe"he says while stroking her cheek"it's to hot to sit here on the open.."he looks around seeing rocks under the trees in the jungle "let's go over there.... Put your arm around my neck and try not moving your leg, I will try not hurting you" he says looking at her

I signed looking at him with a small smile"I don't want to hurt you if maybe you are hurt and you don't feel it but in the same time you are right... It's getting to hot here in the open and I can't move at all... "I looked at him and wrapped my arm around his neck feeling my face warm up more

" I got you don't worry " he says smiling softly at her, placing one hand on her back and the other on her thigh lofting her fully up and not touching her leg

I blushed leaning my head in his neck while biting my lip to hold the pain I was feeling from my whole body, and as he was walking I whispered "thank you... I mean it... You will probably ask why I'm not reacting and crying about my best friends and friends dying, about getting stuck in this horrible place, I will just tell you that I want to fucking break down but I won't because I have hope that we will escape... but without them" I wipped the tears that were rolling down my cheeks

"Shhhh.... we will talk about this later okay.... " he says holding her gently, then when he arrives at the rocks he places her down carefully and kneels in front of her then looks at her "can I?... "

I nodded and smilled softly trying to hide my blush and pain in the same time" I mean what I said... I have hope and I'm glad that you are alive and here with me.... "I said looking at him with teary eyes once again

*****TO BE CONTINUED******

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