Chapter 15

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The next morning

I begin waking up with a huge smile on my face because of last night and of a dream that I can't clearly remember, of course while laying down against Jack's chest, I look up at him and blush when I see his even more handsome morning sleeping face, I carefully sit up and instantly groan feeling pain thought my body because of last nights activities"ughh"

Jack gets woken up by the sudden movement and groan by Elsa, he chuckled instantly knowing how much in pain she will be because of him, he just looks at her with a smirk while his hand is placed on her waist"morning my beautiful babygirl~"

I gasp when I felt his hand rub my waist and when he spoke, I looked at him and smiled with a slight blush on my cheeks "good morning handsome... How did you sleep? " I smile and lay back down

He smiles and leans placing a soft kiss on her forehead "I slept like a baby~" he chuckles and then smirks and bites his lip wiggling his eyebrows teasingly "and how did you sleep~"

I rolled my eyes and looked away embarrassed from his teasing" fucking hell... "I blush and slightly shook my head" I slept fine... Didn't feel any pain to wake me up as for right now... "I looked at him" my whole body is killing me.. Because of a certain someone~"

He slightly giggles placing another soft kiss against her forehead"yeah well I just had to show my skills"he smirks and gets up, not caring that he is naked in front of her"how about you babygirl just lay there and relax, I will go and try to catch a fish for us"he smiles and takes his clothes

When he stood up without trying to cover himself up I blushed and instantly looked away, we had sex so why the hell is my body reaction up... I roll my eyes and brought the cover up to my neck just to hide my hardened nipples"are you sure you can do that?... "I ask just so he doesn't notice

" Well I'm sure it will be easy, I can find sticks to make a spear with a knife that we have, and I can find some branches to start a fire with matches that we already found on the plane*he says with a smile at the end while looking at her and noticing her change of behavior "you alright? " he asks worried

I listen to him talk but my mind is still occupied with dirty thoughts, I sit up still covering my body with the blanked and I nod"yeah I'm fine... "I smile and gather my clothes from around me" I need... well we need to wash up.. "

He chuckles finally understanding why she was blushing, he smirks and says"I don't know why you are being shy~its not like you hated the sex, well at least I hope you didn't hate it ~"he chuckles and walks closer to her, still not caring that he is naked"now come on let me help you to the beach so we can wash up"

I roll my eyes and blush once again"I didn't hate the sex so stop teasing me... "I sigh and remove the blanket now fully showing my body. I take a deep breath and look at him while I lift my arms up "come on.... "

He smiles and pick her up bridal style "you have nothing to be ashamed of babygirl~ like I said you are beautiful" he smiles and walks to the beach, going inside the water while still holding her, he goes to put her down but she refuses

I stop him and hold tighter onto him"Just wait a bit... " i sigh and lean my head on his shoulder while getting used to the water and smiling slightly "it's cold... "

He chuckles and nods while still holding her"I know babygirl but we need to wash up so I guess we have to deal with it.. "He smirks looking down at her" or is that an excuse just so I can hold you? ~"

I gasp and look at him with a blush "fuck off! " I roll my eyes and kinda get off him but when I land on the sand I wince because of the pain in my body and the pressure on my leg"fuck... "

"Wow wow hold on" he instantly wraps his arm around her waist and helps her so she doesn't put a lot of pressure on her leg"you can't just jump out of my arms like that"

I roll my eyes and glare at him"yes I can and I just did"I make him let go of my body"I hate it when you tease and play with me, so from now on when you do I will push you away... So please move away so I can wash up "I turn around

He chuckles and smiles" you are so freaking cute~"he wraps his arms around her stomach and leans his head on her shoulder whispering seductively "do you know how hard I'm trying not to touch you? ~ because just by looking at you and your amazing body I can feel myself getting worked up~"

"Stoppp! ~~" I chuckle slightly and roll my eyes pushing him off once again, I look at him with a very visable blush on my cheeks"I know I'm irresistible but I'm also not in the mood "I smirk looking at him" so hurry up, wash up and stert catching fishes "

He fake pouts and looks away sadly "okay... " he swims further away and gets in the water to get his hair wet, after we seconds he smirks getting an idea. He starts thinking about last night and the sight of Elsa and the noises she was making, he gets hard and instantly start jacking off, while letting out few grunts

I giggle when he pouts and swims away, I guess that should teach him a lesson, I start washing my body when from the side I see him getting in and coming out with wet hair that suits him perfectly, then from out of no where I hear grunts and moans and when I look I can clearly see him jacking off. I gasp and blush like crazy along with my heartbeat increasing "are you crazy?! And aren't you embarrassed?! "

He smirks and chuckles when he sees that it worked, so he just turn his head and looks at her"why would I? ~ I told you I'm holding myself back didn't I? "He chuckles" since you don't want to help me I have no other choice but to help myself~"he looks away and continues "fuckkkk~~"

My eyes open wide and my face goes redder"you idiot... "I roll my eyes and bite my lip noticing that my body is beginning to react as well, I curse under my breath at the fact that I'm craving him more hy the minute so I swim over to him, getting in front of him and looking up at him with a seductive yet cute look" may I...? ~"


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