27 | Ambush

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King "Robert's" POV

I couldn't help myself any further. I couldn't stay rooted in one spot and not embrace Nathaniel after the emotional torture I had to endure for the past couple of days.

So I did what I wanted to do ever since I saw the boy today. I bolted through the people, rushing to finally hold my source of happiness. My love.

The few seconds it takes to move from my spot to his feels like centuries, but the minute his smaller frame gets engulfed in my slightly bigger one - I can't help but feel that it was all worth it.

All the fighting and the trouble that we had to endure, they brought me the greatest love that I could've asked for, and for that I am grateful.

"Thank you, thank you" Nathaniel whispers, tears still rolling down his face, while he held on to me for dear life, squeezing my aching body, but in all honesty - I don't mind.

"Anything for you" I respond shortly, squeezing him back just as tightly.

I spare a glance at his face and am immediately mesmerised by his beautiful orbs. Blood shot from all the crying, but still undeniably beautiful.

"I thought they were gonna kill me" he says sadly, his eyes moving to the ground once again.

"I'm never gonna let anyone do that to you, ever again, okay?"

A small smile graces his face, "Okay."

And with that cute expression plastered on his face, all the restraint that I had goes flying out the window as I attach my lips gently to his...

The gasps from the crowd are what pop our small bubble of happiness, bringing us back to the reality that we are not alone on this field. Upon realising this, Nathaniel's ears and cheeks take on a little bit of colour as he once again looks at the ground, this time - with a smile playing on his lips.

I move my gaze from the boy in my hold only to see a very frustrated Victoria make her way through the crowd, with Billius by her side, their heads hanging in shame as they manoeuvre their way into the vehicle we came here with. Haha, serves them right for trying to kill an innocent boy.

Soon enough, the crowd that was present for the execution dissipates, as the action they had been promised was ripped away from them at the very last minute.

"If it isn't the men of the hour, the Kings of Quinnston" Joshua calls out as he approaches the front, with Irene, Queen Mother Harriet - and our parents? Goodness I almost forgot about them.

In that moment, I couldn't bring myself to express the overall confusion that I felt in that moment. As far as I was concerned, Joshua was banned, Irene no longer worked for the Hillwood and the Queen Mother wanted nothing to do with the throne anymore - yet they all stand here, wearing smug looks.

"How?" was all I could bring myself to say.

"Apparently" Irene starts, "getting an ID change is a lot quicker than getting a marriage certificate. The changes in Nathaniel's ID were enough to at least halt the execution process till the day we can get you your certificate."

A small voice diverts the attention from me to the boy next to me, "Thank you" he says sweetly, his eyes still trained on the ground.

"Oh come here" the Queen Mother states with a warm smile, her arms wide open, ready to embrace the boy and in a blink of an eye - Nathaniel moves from my side to hug her. "Myles did tell me that you were a little bit on the shy side but he never told me you were this sweet and cute" she adds, as her arms remain wrapped around the boy.

The scene before me really melted my heart as I couldn't help but feel that the Queen Mother really took on the role of being a mother to me, and her interaction with Nathaniel was evidence to that. My mother was supposed to be the one that gushed over Nathaniel when I brought him home for the first time, but I guess she deprived herself of having that moment when she sold me to the devil that is Victoria.

"Rob-" my father starts, before cutting himself off upon realising what he was calling me. "We're sorry" he adds simply.

His apology barely moved me as I couldn't feel any less used by them. I was just a part of their mega plan, a mere puzzle-piece to their grand scheme of becoming part of the royal family, but as soon as things went South they all of a sudden see where they could have done me wrong? Where their decisions could have landed an innocent young man who's had to experience so much trauma in his young life?

I draw a long and deep breath, ready to unleash hell and give my parents quite an earful; however that opportunity is ripped away from me as we hear three gunshots ring in the distance, startling everyone.

"What the hell was that?" my brother questions, looking all around us, clear panic written across his face.

"Gunshots" my mother fills in.

Joshua barely spares her a look and replies, "No shit Sherlock."

"What do you think is happening?"

"We are in the middle of an open field surrounded by woods, maybe someone's hunting something" my father answers.

And with that explanation, we all seemed to shrug the panic off and continue on with our day.

"So will you guys move to the palace and torment the Queen with your love?" Joshua smirks evilly.

"As tempting as that sounds, I just want to go back to school and live life the way I've always wanted to live life. Have a small circle, have bonds with real people that truly care about me" I express honestly. "But I wouldn't mind being King if I get to have him by my side. And we can torment Victoria for everything she's put us through" I joke.

The disapproving look that Nathaniel shot my way was incredibly cute, but it was also enough to tell me that he wasn't keen on doing that. Gosh, he's too good - even after everything he's had to endure, he still couldn't bring himself to harm the source of all that.

"Come on" I extend my arm for Nathaniel to take - which he does, "let's take you home."

The smile that spread across his face made my heart stop for a moment as I slowly came to realise just how blessed I am. I mean, I have every reason to believe that this boy's smile is enough to melt even the coldest of hearts, while solving all the world's problems in the process...if only we knew that when we finally decided to depart the field, ready to say goodbye to our problems once and for all, a new problem awaited us not too far from where we were.

And I can tell you, nothing could've prepared us for what was to come.

And that was the twenty-seventh chapter, and I just couldn't help myself but add a little bit of drama before the story ends.

I really hope that you enjoyed this, and please don't forget to vote, comment and share the story with others.

See you in the next one.

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