34 | As Long As I Have You...

206 7 14

King Myles POV

If someone had told me a few months back that I'd be ascending the Quinnston throne, with a certain boy with striking hazel eyes by my side - I sure as hell would've laughed in their face.

Not because the possibility of me loving another man wasn't there - but because dreaming of ending up with someone else other than Victoria seemed a little bit out of reach. But now, as I lay here, under this heavy mound of blankets as the temperature had dropped considerably over the past few days, with said hazel-eyed boy cozied up beside me - that dream didn't seem too far-fetched anymore.

In fact, things were so beautiful now it felt as if my alarm clock would ring and O would once again find myself stuck in a hell I was once stuck in. But no matter how much I pinched myself - I wouldn't wake; because this isn't a dream, it's my reality. A reality I wouldn't change a thing about because all of the bad I went through, led me to all this good that I currently have my hands wrapped around. My boy. My hazel-eyed lover.

His soft snores fan my bare chest, as I am left to adore the sight before me. This beautiful boy has gone through so much. He has endured so much pain and torment - yet he has a heart so big you would swear he grew up without issues. He is so caring, so kind and thoughtful, just downright amazing and he deserves the world. "I love you so much" I murmur, my lips pressed to his head.

"Mhm?" the boy shifts a bit, snuggling a little closer to me.

"Don't worry your little head, go back to sleep" I say, pressing another kiss to his head - the one thought prominent in my head...why tell the boy you love him, when you can spend the rest of your life showing him?

And with that - I decide to wrap my arms around him a little tighter, closing my eyes as an attempt to enjoy the last few moments of peace - before we have to endure the craze that this day will surely bring to the settlement.


"I've never worn a suit before" Nathaniel says, unable to control the smile that he was trying so hard to keep in check. And as for me, I didn't even bother trying seeing as it would just be another failed attempt. I mean, who would've thought that the innocent cutie would look so hot in a suit? "Do you think this colour's okay?"

This just gives me more reason to openly check the boy out; as he continued to fret over and brush off invisible dust off of his baby-blue suit, that matches perfectly with the white - but safe - tuxedo I was pretty hesitant on getting, and I only got because Nathaniel sent those cute puppy dog eyes my way and I immediately turned to mush. His eyes are really beautiful but goodness are they dangerous when they want to be.

But as I stood behind him in our bathroom, a perfect view of how we looked - I couldn't deny just how great we looked, but the show stealer is clearly Nathaniel. "You look beautiful."

His face immediately takes on a tad bit of colour at my words, as he looks at me in the mirror - some doubt evident in his eyes: "But you look so handsome, and I feel like a mascot that's been hired for a gender reveal party!"

I couldn't help but chuckle at his statement, "See, you're even laughing at me" he pouts.

"No babe I'm not, it's just that what you said caught me off guard. But look at you" I snake my arms around him. "You look so pretty with your cute baby blue suit, that compliments your eyes so beautifully. I mean, did I ever tell you just how beautiful your eyes are?"

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