29 | Threat to the Throne

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King Myles POV

If I were to use the word 'happy' to describe how I've been feeling for the past few days, I would be heavily selling myself short. I know spending three days with someone isn't enough to be able to have a complete idea of who they really are, but Nathaniel is just perfect.

He's still the giant softie that I wanna cuddle for all my days. The guy that I'm willing to give my all to protect, the one I fell in love with. So to put things simply - everything has been absolutely beautiful between us, more especially because Victoria's been in the hospital all along.

So we got a chance to roam freely through the palace halls, and be as sappy as we can be without being judged by anyone. The guest bedroom has also been converted into the Kings' Suite - and we've been spending most of our time in there, not like that! We're taking things slowly.

"Myles" a soft knock takes me out of my daze, Nathaniel peeking his head in the study.

"Come in Babe" I respond with a massive smile. The boy smiles back just a brightly, entering the room and shutting the door behind him. "Come this side" I gesture to my side of the table, making him eye me suspiciously - but he does as I requested.

"Take a seat" I pat my thighs, making the boy flush brightly.

"You're so silly" he says cutely, before following along and taking a seat on my lap, and I snake my arms around his waist and give him a peck on the lips.

"So" I start "How can I assist you Your Majesty?" This makes his blush even worse, making him bury his face in my neck.

"Well, I came here for some really serious business" he answers honestly. "But I don't feel like you'll take me seriously when I'm sitting on you like this."

"Okay, I'll allow you to take a seat on the chair, but as soon as you're done you're coming back here" I state seriously, the boy nodding a bit too eagerly - which I turn made him blush some more.

He gets off my lap and walks to the other side, and I seized the opportunity of making him blush even worse; "Nice butt," I comment, the boy in question shielding his behind with his hands as soon as he hears my words.

"Stop" he complains as he takes a seat, and there was something telling me to tease him further - but I chose peace and left the boy alone.

"Okay I've stopped" I raise my hands in surrender.

"Thanks" he smiles. "Back to the serious business. I think I may have cracked the case."

"Yeah?" I answer, my interest piqued.

"Yeah. Do you remember when you told me that you suspected that the King's attack may have been an inside job all along?" I nod.

"Well, it makes complete sense now. Looking at the palace's records it became clear how you may have had a perpetrator within the yard and not know about it" he states. "Victoria changed security like she was changing her underwear, so that means that the bad guys may have gotten into the castle by applying as part of security - knowing that the job comes easy, and it rarely lasts."

Now that Nathaniel was explaining it, it made complete sense.

" So if we intend on finding the people behind all of this, we need to find everyone that worked here and was released around that time - and we can find who wanted to kill the King, and to an extent, possibly The Queen."

"Please don't call her that" I shiver.

"Why?" the innocent boy asks, his hazel orbs wide in surprise.

"Because you're also the King, so as far as I'm concerned - you're equals" I clarify.

"But it's different, she was born into royalty, I just married a royal in a life or death situation. I got lucky."

"Is that what you tell yourself?" I ask in utter disbelief . Nathaniel just moves his gaze to the floor at my question, and was enough to confirm my thoughts. "Baby" I call him, making him steal a glance at me - before his eyes go back to the floor, and see that the best thing to do is act.

I get off my chair and go around the table, standing in front of him; "Get up" I state firmly, and the boy stands up - eyes still trained on the porcelain tiles underneath our feet.

I take his seat and place him on my lap again; "Look at me" and the boy does as I say. "It's clear as day that you don't understand just how lucky I am to have you, but I need you to understand that I married you because I wanted to."

At my words, his eyes finally move from the floor and he looks at me: "You wanted to marry me?"

"Yeah" I nod with a smile. "I wanted to marry you because I love you."

His breath hitches and he stares at me in absolute shock, "Y-you do?" he stammers.

"Wasn't it obvious?" I ask, an uncontrollable smile making its way to my face.

This seems to really catch him off guard as his eyes begin swelling up with unshed tears. "God I love you" he finally says after what seemed like forever, his arms engulfing me in a warm embrace. "I never thought this would happen to me."

"You never thought that you'd find a man that will love you unconditionally for who you are?" As much as I couldn't see the boy, I could tell from the movement of his head that he was nodding, making my arms around him tighten. "Well I love you, unconditionally at that."

"I love you too" he says, his face still buried in my neck. I mean, I've always guessed that the boy may have had some self-esteem problems, but I am absolutely, undeniably in love with him and there's nothing I wouldn't do to make sure that he knows just how I feel about him.

"I think I interrupted you" I say.

"Oh yeah" he sniffles, rubbing his eyes. "You might want to look at this?" He then rummages through his files, before bringing out some documents, handing them to me.

I take some time looking at the documents, before he adds: "You don't know what you're looking at, do you?"

I just smile at my husband for catching on my confused look so quickly, and he takes the documents; "I asked for case files and you brought me all the files relating to the King and the Que-" he pauses "Victoria, including their medical records. These specify the severity of their injuries but it also has a handful of other details. One that stood out to me was the blood tests" he sighs and shifts uncomfortably on my lap. "I really don't know how to say this but as fair as the medical records are concerned, the King and Victoria don't have the same blood."

And with that, I felt like everything I knew about the royal family went flying out the window. What did I just hear? Is Victoria really not King Edgar's daughter? If that is - what does that mean for the future of the throne?


TRIPLE FREAKING UPDATE and some more drama!!

I really hope that this makes up for the past five days that I've been AWOL, and I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please don't forget to vote, comment and share the story with others.

See y'all in the next one.

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