Clinging onto Love (Tyler Galpin)

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You may have been an outcast but you became friends with a normie, Tyler Galpin. It started when you frequented the cafe he worked at, he struck up a conversation with you, and from then on you just developed a friendship. Though you had realized it developed into more than just a friendship for you.

It was the weekend and you somehow convinced Principal Weems to let you stay overnight in Jericho so you could have a sleepover with Tyler. You had packed essentials and Weems personally drove you to the sheriff's house. The sheriff invited you both in and Weems stayed for a few minutes just chatting with him as you excused yourself to go see Tyler.

You knocked on his door and he opened it and let you in. "I'm genuinely shocked that Weems let me do this," you say as you place your bag near the door and hug him.

"Okay how about we watch a movie or something," Tyler suggests looking down at you, you just nod and he gets out his laptop and you both sit down on his bed.

"Y'know, when you said movie I wasn't expecting a horror movie, especially when you know that I don't do well with those," you say narrowing your eyes at Tyler who sat beside you.

"It's not that scary, you'll be fine," he starts the movie.

After about thirty minutes in you knew for sure Tyler lied when he said the movie wasn't scary, there had been five jumpscares so far and all of them scared the soul out of your body. Once the sixth came around it scared you so much that you clung onto Tyler's arm and hid your face in his chest. This made Tyler freeze up, his heart was racing and not just cause of the jumpscares anymore, he was glad you couldn't see since his face was now a bright red. You kept clinging to him throughout the whole movie without realizing it.

Once the movie finally ended you realized that you were holding onto his arm and finally let go. "Sorry about that, but I did warn you I'm not good with horror movies," you said.

"And I'm not good with my crush acting all cute," Tyler mumbles, he obviously didn't want you to hear him but you still did.

You brushed it off as not hearing him properly and the two of you moved on to doing something else.

It was now one am and you two were still up laughing at something stupid you stumbled across on his phone.

"That was hilarious," you said before wheezing out another laugh. Tyler couldn't even say anything as he laughed harder. With your lack of sleep, you became a bit disorientated and said something you usually wouldn't say.

"Your laugh is adorable, did you know that?" you smiled.

His laughter abruptly stopped and he just stared at you, you also stopped laughing and looked back at him.

"I'm sorry did I ruin the mood," you ask not wanting to ruin the fun you two were having.

"No, I- I just didn't expect you to say something like that" Tyler answers truthfully with a sincere smile on his face. "If anything I think your laugh is cute too," he rubs the back of his neck.

A smile creeps onto your face as you process what he said. You wrap your arms around him and encase him in a hug, he hugs back. You felt a bit bold so you did something else you'd never expect.

"Tyler, earlier when I said you should've expected me to get scared by the movie after that did you say something along the lines of 'And I'm not good with when my crush acts cute'" you ask looking up at him.

His eyes widen as he looks back at you, "You weren't supposed to hear that," he mutters. Your smile just grows at his words.

"I'm your crush? So you wouldn't mind if I did this," before you let him respond you pressed your lips against his and kissed him, it was tender and soft, and you wished to do this forever. Tyler had pulled his lips away first, "I love you," he said gingerly staring lovingly into your eyes.

You alongside Tyler were glad that Weems let you stay overnight for this.

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