A Fight to the End

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The bell rang throughout the school, signaling that it was time to go home. Everybody rushed out of the classrooms, eager to get out of this jail we call High School. The only thing we all have in common, we hate this building. Well, everybody, except me.

There are particular reasons why I like coming here five days a week. First of all, I get to see my friends, and second, all my teachers love me. Those are my only reasons.

"Hey, Ms. Goody-two-shoes" snickered a passing student. I watched him walk away with a smile on his face, satisfied by what he called me. I gripped my notebooks tightly, and walked on. Why does everybody call me that? Is it because I've never gotten in trouble, or because all my teachers like and I make good grades? Maybe all three?

I don't like it. Not at all. It makes me sound boring, like an old person. And I'm pretty sure I ain't no oldie. I mean, my skin isn't wrinkly or anything, no offence to the elders. One way or another, I will get rid of this nickname.

"Diana!" I was suddenly jumped on, nearly falling forward. The person held onto me, resting their cheek on my back. Huh, it must be July. I wiggled all around, trying to get her off of me. But, she held onto me like a spider monkey to a tree.


"Mm, yes?" I raised an eyebrow, but I doubt she saw it.

"Do you mind releasing me now?" She didn't move an inch.

"Hum, let me think about it..." she replied. My legs were getting tired an I felt like grabbing her arm and tossing her to the ground. But no, that would be too mean. "Yes, I would mind." I groaned.

"C'mon, get off" I said. She laughed at me, but released me. I turned to her, seeing her still laughing at me.

"You know, there's this word, it's kind of old, and it's called 'Please'."

"Well, nobody uses anything old anymore" I replied. She chuckled and shook her head at me. "C'mon, I got to get home."

"Alright, alright" she replied, following behind. We always walk home together. She lives right next door, which is how she also became my stalker. It's creepy at times. Like once, when it was raining outside, and I opened my curtain to look out the window, which faces the road, and there she was. Staring straight at me. I got scared, and quickly closed the curtains. Even though I know she likes to mess around with me like that, it still kind of bothers me. "So, what are we doing today?"

"I don't know about you, but I'll be asleep. Man, am I tired" I replied. She eyed me suspiciously, before bursting into laughter, which took me back.

"C'mon, Diana, we both know that you're not that type of person" she said. I frowned. Even she thinks I'm a goody-two-shoes. It bothers me to know how people think I cant be bad. I know I can be, if I just try. And I'll prove it, tonight. Hopefully, I won't get into too much trouble.


I walked into my house, instantly getting the aroma of my mother's cooking. It smells like she's making tacos for dinner today.

"Mom! Ya llegue! [I'm home]" I yelled.

"Estoy en la cocina! [I'm in the kitchen]" she called back.

"I know" I replied, walking in. "Que vamos a comer? [What are we going to eat]" She looked up at me.

"Tacos" she said. Just like I predicted.

"Esta bien. Pus, voy a estar en mi cuarto [Alright. Well, I'll be in my room]" I said, before leaving the kitchen. I opened the door to my purple colored room. My bed was nicely done and stood in the corner. It was half bed, and half couch. Really cool, my parents got it for me when I turned 14. My window was on the opposite side of my bed. And in between, was my slide doors, that led to my balcony. It wasn't all that big, but I loved it anyways. I let myself fall onto my bed, ad thought of ways I can be bad.

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