Dedicate a room

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(Maya's POV*)

The EMT's put me in the back of the AMBO, and Captain hops in with me. He is still holding my hand.

"To find out what is going on we need to do a procedure. Count from 10 backwards." The EMT said sticking a needle in my arm. I started to count and when I reached 5 I was asleep.

I wake up in the hospital room. Captain is the only person in here.

"What happened?" I ask in a raspy voice.

"You have an infection in your legs," he pauses and I remember about last night. "The doctor said, you aren't going to be able to move your legs for a little while, but you be able to in a month or so." He finished.

I look down and think why nobody else is here. "Where is everybody?" I ask.

"They are at the precinct with that lady." He pauses and looks down. "Maya, I know, we aren't as close as you and Carisi, or you and Amanda are, but I love you. And I want you to know that."

"I know. I love you too." I nod.

"Good, and I talked to Carisi, he is creating a room for you, so you are going to spend a night at my house, and a few nights at everyone else's house." He said.

"Okay." I nodded.

"If you want to get dressed, we can leave." He said. I nodded. He stood up and helped me to the bathroom. "Do you need help."

"No thanks." I said as I shut the door. I sat on the toilet and put my shirt on. I then slid on my pants. I tried to stand, but I couldn't move my legs.

"You okay in there?" Captain asked.

"Um, can you help me." I asked scared too but I know I have to.

"Sure." He opens the door and helps me out into the wheel chair. He brought me to his car and helped me in.

When we arrived at the precinct, he pushed me in in the wheelchair.

"Well there's my little fighter." Fin says as he runs his hand through my hair. "Ready to spend the night at my house?" He said.

"Yea, I guess." I laughed.

"Good come on." He said as he brought me to his car. as he shut the back car door and helped me in, I saw Carisi run out.

"Wait!" He yelled at Fin. Then pulled him aside. I heard everything he said.

"Be careful, if she tries anything call me." Carisi said.

"Why?" he asked.

"Because 4 days ago she tried to kill herself." I felt my heart sink. Why would he tell people?

"Oh, okay, I will." Fin said as he hopped into the car. Carisi waved bye with a sympathetic smile to me and ii waved back. The car ride was silent until we arrived at Fin's house.

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