Everything always goes down hill

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(Maya's POV*)

I can feel the warm sun beating down on my face. I slowly open my eyes. I rub my eyes with my knuckles. I slowly get out of bed. I look down and slip my cold feet into the warm slippers. I am in grey sweatpants and grey button up shirt that Carisi let me wear because all my other ones i used to stop the bleeding when Gabby got shot. 

I take a breath in at the memory and walk out to the kitchen. Carisi is making eggs and bacon. He is washing out the pans when he notices me. 

"Hey, i made you some breakfast. Its at the table. Eat and lets go to the precinct. There has been a murder in the park. You can stay with Raphael Barba." I roll my eyes and nod with a little smile. "What?" 

"Raphael scares me." I laugh.

"What? Why?" 

"Because he is so intimidating." I smile.

"How? He is short and annoying." Carisi laughs.

"Well he is taller than me and i dont think he is annoying." I laugh.

"Oh well." He smiles. "You can wait with him for a little while is his office while we go look at the dead body."

"Okay." I nod and give in. I finish eating and go get dressed into jeans, a oversize white t-shirt, and black boots. When i am ready, so is Carisi. He tells me to meet him in the car so i can go the bathroom and brush my teeth. I do so and go to the car.

Once he drops me off at Barba's office in the building across the street, Barba meets us outside. Carisi leaves and he leads the way to his room. I follow.

When we get inside, there is a couch and a desk, and a few chairs. He tells me to make myself at home. I sit politely on the couch with my feet on the floor.  

After about 5 awkward minutes and Barba sitting there, pretending to text, because his finger are really not touching the screen when he 'types' and he keeps shooting me glances, He says  something.

"So... do you do anything for fun?" Barba asks, but quickly regrets it.

"Well i havent really had the time to do anything fun." I sigh still not making eye contact.

"Oh. I am sorry i asked." 

"No, its okay." I say. "I used to play basketball and softball, but i quit." I smile.

"Oh, cool." He replies. After about 5 more odd random questions, he gets up. "Well i need to go use the little lawyers room, but i will be back in one minute." and he walks out the door. I nod and just wait.

After about 2 minutes he comes back. The door is locked so he knocks and i open the door. He looks happy when i let him in, i am about to shut the door when a large hand pulls the door handle right out of my hands. I scream.

Barba spins around, he clearly didnt know he was being followed. Two large men with ski masks on come barging in. 

"Stop!" Barba yells as the heavier guy picks me up and slams me on the couch. The taller my thinner guy yanks barba back and shoves him to the ground. He starts to punch Barba in the face. After about 5 blows to the jaw and 7 to the stomach, Barba is laying on the ground in and out of consciousness. 

"Stop it! Please!" I yell as the shorter guy starts to untie his belt. I look down to Barba who is laying on the ground staring right at me. 

"Im sorry." He says.

"Shut up!" The man says as he kicks Barba.

I try to sit up, but the man pulls me back down. "Where do you think your going? The party is just starting." He says as i continue to cry. 

"Leave me alone." I continue to try and get up. 

"Come hold her down." He says to his partner. 

"No!" I scream and cry. 

The other man comes over and yanks my arms above my head and holds them with one hand, and he uses the other to wipe the tears. The man who is now kneeling above me pulls down his pants, and starts to pull mine down. 

"Leave her alone!" Barba yells, but it comes out as a soft moan. He manages to stand up, and he starts to walk over and pick up a vase, but then the man holding me down runs to him and tackles him to the floor again. I try to punch the guy in the face, but he manages to catch my hand, and right as he does, he is in me.

"No! Stop it!" I cry but my body goes numb and i cant fight back. He starts to go harder and i cant seem to breathe. "It hurts" i cry.

"Shh.. enjoy it now." He says freakishly.

"Please leave her alone. Get off of her! I have money! You can take it!" Barba says.

"I dont want your money, i want her!" I cry harder. Barba is crying too. After 5 more minute, this guy punches me across the face and I pass out.

(Barba's POV*)

  "Please leave her alone. Get off of her! I have money! You can take it!" I scream because this guy is raping Maya. Why won't he stop. She is in so much pain and she didnt deserve this. I can't fight back, i am to weak. There is so much blood everywhere, Maya's and mine.

After about five more minutes, that feel like and hour, he knocks Maya and pulls their pants up. 

"Okay, come on. I have had enough for right now." He says as he scoops Maya up and starts to walk out the door, since it is the weekend nobody else is here, so they can easily walk out the front door and nobody will notice.

The guy holding me down lets. "Well, nice chat, but im gonna have to leave now. And so will Maya and him." He says.

"Please dont. She has been through enough. Just leave her alone."

"Sorry, i just can't do that." He says as he punches me one last time across the face and I am out like a  light. 

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