Ch. 1: Izuku Urokodaki, That's Who I Am Now

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It was a rainy day for Masutafu, Japan. Clouds were dark as rain poured down. Flowers and grass were being all wet from the rain.

In the city, in a nearby apartment, a door to one of the rooms started shaking while the doorknob started jiggling before opening up, as a ten-year old boy with messy green hair drops to the floor while a case was with him. A skeleton figure was at the door in front of him

"You understand the mistake you did, boy?! *the boy shakes his head as a 'no'* You don't? Well, get out of here! And never show your face again!"


The door was slammed in his face before the sound of a click was heard, meaning it was locked. Said ten-year old boy picked himself up as he grabbed his case. He was covered from head to toe in bruise and scratches.

"That jerk... can't believe he believed in their lies... but I can't believe I thought they had a chance to change...

Suddenly, a picture dropped from his jacket that he was wearing. It was of him, his little sister,  their friends and parents at their fourth birthday party. 

He grabbed it as he looked at it for a moment... it all came rushing back to him as well did the voices of the past.

"Maybe you should give it up, kid."

"I should have aborted you."

"Why were you my brother? Why were you even born?"

"Deku! A perfect name for someone as useless as you!"

"Yeah! Deku!"

"You can't become a Hero, so stop trying!"

"How long will you hold onto that dream of yours? When will you realize you can't be one?"

But then the last voice hurt him the most... the voice of his father, who he found out was the Symbol of Peace, All Might, the Number One Hero who he looked up to as an idol... only for him to crush his dreams completely with one sentence:

"I'm sorry, Izuku, but you don't have what it takes to become a Hero."

You see, this boy is known as Izuku Yagi, son of Toshinori Yagi and Inko Yagi, AKA the Number One and Six Heroes, All Might and Green Thunder. Ever since his fourth birthday, he was abused, bullied and neglected by his friends and family. And today was the day he was kicked out of their apartment, all because of something they believed he "did".


The boy was in his room, trying to patch up the latest injuries he got from his former "friends" Katsuki and Katsumi Bakugo, Shoto and Shoka Todoroki, and his litter sister, Izumi Yagi. Soon enough a voice rang out.

"Izuku Yagi! Come down here this instant!"

The ten-year old sighed before heading downstairs to find his parents, his little sister Izumi, Katsumi and Katsuki, Shoto and Shoka down there. He saw that there was cuts bruises on both Katsuki and Shoto.

"What did these two do again..." He thought tiredly, wanting it to be over with.

"Why did you attack these two?" His mother asked.

"I didn't even try to."

"Don't lie to us."

"I don't attempt to try. But why even bother."

"This is the last straw, young man. From this day forward, you're no longer welcomed here. Pack your things." Toshinori ordered.

"..." He didn't say anything as he listened anyway.

Izuku Urokodaki: Son of the Water HashiraWhere stories live. Discover now