Ch. 5: The Raid Begins

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The Heroes started to storm the place as members of the Hassaikai got up to the front lines. They were nervous and freaking out on the huge numbers of Heroes storming the building. 

"This is the police! We have a warrent to search the place!" The police chief shouted as he another other people stormed in. 

"Shit! What are the Heroes doing here?!" A Hassaikai member exclaimed as he used his Quirk to manipulate the leaves of a bush to be shot at the Heroes, but he was taken down.

Izuku and Mirio ran in while two of Sir Nighteye's sidekicks, Bubble Girl and Centipeder, held some Villains down. Sir Nighteye moved a plant off of a shrine and looked at the panel.

"This is a puzzle. It must be hit in four places of it in order to open." He said as he presses the buttons in the correct order, opening the hidden underground passage. "This will lead us to stop Chisaki and save the girl."

"An underground pathway! So cool!" Bubble Girl remarked as the rest went down into the passage.

Meanwhile, somewhere in the passage, Chisaki, or by his demon name, Overhaul, was walking down the hallways with Chrono by his side as he held onto Eri. She felt so much pain from that transformation that made her into a demon, she didn't know what was worse: Overhaul using his power to kill her and restore her again, or the painful demonization she had to go through.

"Chrono, you got everything stored to the place we're leaving to has the stuff we need to continue the experiments?"

"Yes, sir. Also, I believe it was a smart idea to put this bamboo muzzle on her. Who knows if she tries to attack and bite us?"

"Yeah. Let's keep going. Besides, we have them to back us up, don't we?"

"The Eight Bullets of the Hassaikai."

Back with the Heroes, Sir Nighteye's group proceeded down the hall before seeing a wall blocking the way.

"Crap. A dead end?" The Lock Down Hero: Rock Lock commented.

"Let's see." Mirio proceeded to phase his head through the wall to see that it continues the path before pulling back. "I knew it! This path continues forward but it's been blocked off! I'm sorry, but I'm the only one who can follow them."

Sir Nighteye nods as Mirio phased through the wall.

"We'll find another path in! Follow-"

"I'll break it." Izuku stepped forward as he draws his sword out.

"Wait, kid, you can't just-" Rock Lock tried to reason but Izuku didn't stop as he took in a deep breath of air.

"Zen Shūchū! Mizu no kokyū, Ni no kata kai: Yoko Mizu Guruma! (Total Concentration! Water Breathing, Second Form: Improved, Lateral Water Wheel!)" Izuku spun in a horizontal angle as his slash cut through the wall, destroying it and impressing the Heroes.

"Huh... Not bad." BMI Hero: Fatgum said.

"Well, this is an unexpected turn of event. But no matter! Let's keep on moving!" The police chief ordered as they continued to move.

Somewhere else, a small man in a costume put a injection into him before he started become huge, enough to rip out of his costume as he began to phase into the wall.

Suddenly, the walls began to move, making Izuku and the rest of the lose their footing.

"What the hell is this?!"

"It's Joi Irinaka's Quirk! He must have boosted somehow!"

"This is insane! The man's not able control anything bigger than damn refrigerator!" Rock Lock states as he, too, had trouble standing up.

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