[2]deep talk and naps

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after liking Moni's story you slide your phone into your back pocket trying to focus on the conversations happening but you just couldn't and you didn't know why

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after liking Moni's story you slide your phone into your back pocket trying to focus on the conversations happening but you just couldn't and you didn't know why...

but you did

you yank out your nic from your bra and pretend to tie your shoe as an excuse to stay a bit back as you didn't know Diego or Kevin's thoughts on vapes and stuff like that.

after a few hits, you jog back tripping once you get there and trying to catch yourself on Diego, not expecting him to grab your waist with such care. you stare like deer in headlights before snapping out.

"Sorry about that, my bad" you exclaim

"no worries about that" he replied with such a sincere smile but he hasn't pulled away

god forgive me now for I have sinned these unholy thoughts only the lord knows

Moni and Kevin are who knows, talking about chisme or soccer with her you don't know. you felt trust in Kevin's hands and either way you both got each other's location.

"damn where'd that girl run off to?" you say breaking the silence while running a hand through your hair breaking free from his grasp.

"Don't worry Kevin is the safest person I know they're probably like planting flowers or something" he commented while kicking a few rocks.

"soooooooooo" he started

"soooooooooo?" you copied

"you're so mysterious compared to Monica" he added "kinda hard to believe you two have been best friends since birth"

"I question that too" you answer trying to slip your nic back somewhere out of sight

you mentally slap yourself and you heard it fall on the brick street you both stare at it before you pick it up

"you know that's bad for you even worst than smoking cigarettes," he says and you both continued to stroll around

"what can I say it's addictive," you say with hands in your pockets

"it can hurt you in just a few years," he said with  a bit of worry

"I'll be straight I'm planning on quitting, I just need to move out of my moms and go somewhere else" you sighed "I never wanted to be like this ....an addict I saw how it took my dad and where that ended up taking him" your shoulders slumped down

"Can I ask where?" Diego questioned

"death," you say barely above a whisper.

with that, you fix your posture and pull out your phone and see Moni's location.

"peer pressure does get the best of you, I just wish it never got me," you say eyes glued on your phone seeing how long it will take you to reach her.

while on the way you grab Diego's arm

"MIRA UN GATO!" you shout taking your phone out

"MIRA UN GATO!" you shout taking your phone out

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Seeing that cat just made your mood better. you were bubbly and giggly the rest of the way there telling him all of your favorite animals and the reasons that they are your favorite animals.

finally, you catch Monica and Kevin at a bus stop, but they weren't waiting for the bus they were waiting for you guys.

"hey guys we were waiting for decades," Kevin says "we made plans of hanging out at my place and were waiting for your guy's input"

"I'm down," Diego says

"yeah sure I don't mind" you shrug

"Okay, I'm having someone bring my car here since we are quite far from the cafe" Kevin checked his phone.

after a few minutes of chatting and showing them the cat you and Diego encountered a black tinted-out car pulls up, a man walks out and gives Kevin the keys

"Thanks, memito," Kevin says jokingly

"no funny business Kevin..you too Diego these ladies look-"

"AHHH no no no no NO" Kevin interrupted "we are actually friends and we're just going to my place since it's getting hot out here"

"Alright then, call me if anything happens, I'm going to make my wife happy," he says pointing at the designer store down the street.

Everyone gets into the car, you and Monica are in the back and Diego got the passenger seat.

"Now this is the type of car that you take on road trips" Monica started an open conversation

"we should go on one, Diego and I have a vacation around December to January" Kevin added

"Plus I feel like we are going to be close friends you guys have a good vibe," Diego said "feels good to have friends outside of soccer" he lightly elbowed Kevin

"it really does" Kevin answered turning on his blinker

"bitch I'm slumped," you tell Monica "gonna catch some z's," you said with a laugh

"Estrella never gets sleepy around people unless she feels safe" Monica said with a smile

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"Estrella never gets sleepy around people unless she feels safe" Monica said with a smile.

"Glad we make her feel that way," Diego said

Kevin makes one last turn before punching in numbers for the gate to open.

"we're here" Kevin chirps

"about time," you say getting up and fixing your hair "my dream wasn't getting any better

Diego Lainez ☆  Mi estrella brillanteWhere stories live. Discover now