[3]Night music and take out

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Kevin unlocks his door letting everyone walk in first. "welcome in" he says "it's a bit messy, I was in a rush"

you follow Diego who seems to be here a lot to an upstairs balcony area. admiring Kevin's house decor which is simple or minimalist but really fits in. Looking at Diego as he was trying to tell Kevin to hang out in this area as it has a better view.

lord his side profile got you in a chokehold.

he must have noticed you staring as he lightly turned to face you

"what do you think Estrella?" he asked

"uh yeah uh huh" you answered


around this time the sun is setting rather quickly, you walk outside on the balcony looking at the distant lights of the city you guys were once in. you enjoyed the peace you had hearing everyone else be muffled.

the quietness ended soon

"it gets a bit cold out here"

you turn around and see Monica with a smile and a blanket. she wraps it around you and speaks up

"is everything okay with you? you're awfully distance right now" she asked with her back to the rails.

you turn around making your back face the rails and let out a deep sigh

"I'm just overthinking about all of today" you answered "I overshared too much with Diego about my dad and my addiction.." you turn around again facing the view "I always say I'll stop soon and only when I leave my moms house"

"but I want to stop now but I can't" you grip your hair frustrated "maybe if I just" you take both your nic and cart out and pretend to just chuck them off the balcony

" I can help you, give them here" Monica stretched out her hand waiting for you to place them, and to her surprise you do.

"take a deep breath in and out, 8:27 pm today is the day you stop" she glowed with her smile
"I'll go get rid of these in an eco-friendly way, so you can enjoy your peace" and with that, she walked away, once again you were left alone with your thoughts.

oh so you thought

"hey you might need this" you hear footsteps leading to you, it was Kevin and he is holding out a blue raspberry juice.

"so moni told you?" you said taking the juice from him and stabbing the straw in the box.

"you bet, she is very proud of you and she sees you're very committed this time," he says "she's so excited to see the better version of you, the you that isn't dependent on a little box with blue raspberry flavored air"

you chuckled at that last comment

"I'm excited too," you say

"let's go inside I'm freezing my nips off" he laughs opening the door for you.

"Close the door quick the cold air is getting in," Diego says "I ordered takeout from a local restaurant, moni is making tea for all of us so she is going to be out for 30 minutes which is the time the food should be here"

"is that my phone?" Kevin questions taking it out of his grasp. "I can't believe you, I'm going with Monica, don't burn down the house" he added reaching for his keys

"We don't need to drive is a good enough distance to walk" Monica happily chirps

you and Diego make small talk before getting interrupted by a call from memo on Diego's phone.

"hey Diego, how's it going Kevin texted me saying you're with Estrella at Kevin's house," memo said in a hyped tone

"yeah I am we were just talking about a lot before you called, waiting on the door dash" he answered tilting the phone so you're in frame

"mhm hi memo!" you greeted him with a smile and wave

"hi ángel , Kevin just called me and told me to check up ok you guys, stay safe and call me if anything happens, you too Estrellita . bye guys" and with that, he hung up

"I'm gonna go take a nap everyone is taking forever," you say getting up from the cold marble island

"okay goodnight Estrella" Diego smiling as you walked away

something about your presence when you're around him makes his heart jump. after a while, he walked up to you after seeing Kevin and Monica walking to the door. seeing you so still, calm and relaxed  he had to save his moment

 seeing you so still, calm and relaxed  he had to save his moment

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he smiles looking at the uncensored photo of you . he gently shakes your shoulders

"Monica and Kevin are here," he said barely above a whisper

"Monica's here?" you question getting up and stretching

"we're back and my place is still in tack," Kevin says from the doorway "we also have the food the door dasher gave it to us"

"I'll go ahead and get started on the tea" moni rushed to the kitchen.

Kevin connected his phone to his speaker and handed it to you

"if we don't know all about you let's judge you on your music taste" he smirked

"don't do that you'll end up crying after every song" Monica put in from the kitchen

"never-mind that then" he added retracting it

you walk back to the marble island sitting in the spot you once were in when memo called Diego still at your side. monica's music in the background the smell of food and the tea gave you great warmth inside, the warmth you haven't felt in years. for once you felt safe around other people but Monica.

"can y'all sleepover?" Diego asked

"I'm down, tao has an automatic feeder and water" you answered "before you ask he's my cat"



"add that I'm 19," you say pointing to the notebook

"I'm good with staying over too," Monica says to end the loudness

Diego Lainez ☆  Mi estrella brillanteWhere stories live. Discover now