Chapter 1: Sanskriti Chauhan

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The sound of clicking heels on the expensive wooden floor continued to resonate in the halls as she descended down the numerous glass doors on her way with her assistant hot on her tails.

Her red formal attire screamed power and attention while her cold brown eyes were a clear sign of her being far from any man's reach. While her body looked nothing less than a goddess, her expressionless face was a clear sign of her being more of the destructive Kaali than a peace seeker Santoshi. Her dense dark locks cascaded down her shoulders represented her vicious ways of alluring the rivals right into her trap rather than being trapped, like her old self.

She is a fucking Queen, ruling the damn world. The patriarch business world.

She is the long forgotten Princess of Udaipur, Sanskriti Chauhan.

"Good Morning, gentleman." Her voice boomed across the meeting room as her assistant pushed the door open to reveal a hall full of snobbish, patriarch arrogants, carrying a look in their eye that wasn't uncommon for her in her decade old carrier. The look of her being judged as an impotent. The look of underestimation.

Rather than being offended, she learnt to take them as a challenge. A bet to herself that she'll either crush the ego of these misogynists and make them look at her with equal respect as a man or not sleep that night.

Being an insomniac, it wasn't a deal of huge risk.

With a smirk, she started the conference. As the slides rolled over the screen, time followed her lead along with majority of the men's perspective present at the moment.

At the end of the day, she bagged a million dollar deal, taking the Chauhan's Textile and Handlooms, a little closer to touch the sky.

Returning back to her pavilion, she sighed at the loneliness that crept around her. Marching off to her room, she took her time in the tub with various bath bombs, pampering herself like she deserved. Like she has never been treated.

Right from her early years of existence, her conscience motivated her to rebel. She opposed the definitions of feminity and 'being a princess'  from ever she could remember.

Dressing up and plastering a happy facade inspite of all the inner turmoil one is being facing, being polite and obedient even to the one who owes you heavy resentment, sacrificing at every step of life, limiting yourself to the walls of the palace according to the intensity of light in the environment, has never been a cup of tea.

If this was what makes a princess, she didn't want to be one. And that's what makes the entire palace resent her. Never did she feel like being home in Udaipur in her 19 year old existence. She didn't feel warm, happy and secure. How could she? Being judged by lakhs of people on a daily basis, having flatters who could never be your well wishers and being prone to dangers was what she faced everyday.

What pricks her the most was her family's partiality. Over the years, her defiance to the royal rules made the distance between the mother-daughter duo grow stronger. While her father never hated her, he was a king and was taught to behave formally even with his children, which failed to bridge the relationship between him and his daughters.

And her sister? Sanskriti scoffed at the thought. Meera could be anything but a sibling.

Sanskriti and Meera had a rivalry like no other. They didn't spend their childhood fighting over plushies and stealing each other's candies. Instead, they spent their childhood fighting over relations and stealing each other's happiness.

Even after everything, Sanskriti managed to atleast respect her as her sibling, if not love. That was untill, she decided to ignore her pleas that particular night. When she decided to let Sanskriti suffer from a heartbreak and loneliness just to make sure her future was prosperous and secure. That's when all hell broke loose.

Sanskriti eloped to Java. She was in constant contact with his grandfather, who was her only hope during her residence at Udaipur. He helped Sanskriti set up a branch of their hereditary company in Java.

A decade later, all her pain and sufferings paid off as she became the sole heiress of Chauhan Textile and Handlooms with a business worth millions of dollars, all by her own. She has men falling on their knees for a meeting. She has people who were capable of showering her with attention. She has a company of bodyguards to make her safe and hundreds of places around the earth to make her feel warm.

Yet, Sanskriti didn't feel content. She still couldn't find the warmth, love and security she has been searching for. Money could get her anything at this point. Except the person who was capable of making her feel content. Him.

Why? Because he was living his 'happily ever after' with his family after destroying her. He was busy playing house with her sister, Meera.

"You'll never leave me, right Adi?"

"Never, princess."

She chuckled mirthlessly. The level of lies people could flatter her with can never match the level of lies he fed her with.

He injected hopes, positivity, smiles and the feeling of love and wantedness only for him to live her soul shattered to get married to her sister.

Even after a decade of constantly reminding herself of not to sulk over him, she couldn't move on. No matter how hard she tried of dating other men, no matter how genuine they were, she couldn't move on. She knew it wasn't right. He was a married man with a child of his own now. He had responsibilities and relations to cater. No matter what, they could never unite.

So, she started a delusion for herself. She started looking him from a perspective of what he was not- a cheater. She knew he wasn't. He never confirmed their relationship. It always have been her- taking his kind gestures as hints, his friendly hugs as safe embrace, his subtle flirting as promises for lifetime. It was her mistake. But that doesn't help in easing the pain that her heart felt, everytime she heard her cousin gushing over how cute his son looks or how caring he is towards Meera.

A sob escaped her lips as she clutched her eyes shut to calm the ache in her heart.

It's going to be okay. No, it won't.

He's happy. I need to be happy too. But I am not.

Everything is going to be fine. When will it be?

She mustered up courage to wipe her tears and get out of the bath. Grooming herself to pull on her cold facade for the world next day, she ordered some food takeouts along with a bottle of wine.

After a soul wrecking crying session, she deserved a treat.

Drinking her pain away with Netflix filling up for the noiseless environment of her condo, she gradually drifted off to sleep only to recieve a tremendous news on a phone call that left sleepless for the rest of the week.


An overview of what our female protagonist is like.

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