Chapter 14: Words and Tears

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A/n: The views to interaction ratio is absolutely devastating to notice. For every 100 readers, only 20 votes and at max 5 comments is what the ratio is.

I might tone down a little on the regularity on updates then. I might be providing you with 2/3 chapters per week or may be am interactive goal.

It really hurts when people choose to be silent on your work, especially when you're already insecure about your writing skills.

For those few readers who do make a point to let me know how am I doing in the writing arena, whether my delivery of words are successful or not, Darlings, I am still working on this book only because of you guys!

For those few readers who do make a point to let me know how am I doing in the writing arena, whether my delivery of words are successful or not, Darlings, I am still working on this book only because of you guys!

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Sitting in the green desert of the Palace, I sighed at the strange feeling that make me wanna runaway again- the feeling of disappointing the young soul.

Even though he acts maturely majority of the time, I should have known that he was still a ten year old boy. He let's his amateur side only for the people who he trusts won't hurt him. If he did that to me, I should had have patience and should have made him understand about his demands not being practical enough.

The world wasn't an easy place to live. The relations weren't a game of monopoly for adults. Life won't be rainbows and ponies. These were the lessons I had learnt by facing tough times. These were the facts the adults should be inculcating in the children around them. But they don't. They tend to weave an imaginary world around them that they have to struggle to get out of, when they grow older.

I should have had patience to let him know about these things. What I did instead was snap at him.

I was still in my thoughts when I saw a cup of something warm in front of my eyes. Looking at the owner, I saw Dadu smiling warmly at me. I took the cup from his hands as he took a seat beside me on the long swing placed in the royal garden.

"You don't have to feel guilty, Laado." He told me. But that didn't lessen my guilt.

"I disappointed him." I whispered meekly. I couldn't shake off the weirdly bad feeling. I wasn't generally the one who felt guilty. I was generally the victim that made others feel guilty of their actions. It was really unusual for me to feel so and therefore, I didn't know how to handle myself right now.

"You didn't disappoint anyone, Laado. He's just sad because you scolded him." He said.

"But he was crying.." I trailed off. I felt like the most horrible person on earth to make him cry.

"You can make him stop crying. I am not gonna lie Laado, Vedansh isn't an easy kid. He is still young to endure qualities like understanding and maturity. The circumstances that have forced him to adopt these qualities are also responsible to make him closed off for the world.

For the first time in years, I have seen him behave so freely at the dining table, with the family members. His childish side is reserved only for his father. But now, he's ready to show you that side.

He could never feel the motherly love the world around him continuously chattered about. Right from movies, to teachers and peers, everyone talks about how great their mother is, how their mother showered love, care and attention on them. Meera wasn't a great mother, Vedansh couldn't feel the motherly love everyone was talking about.

And now, after years, he is experiencing something close to that. And by fate, Vedansh feels that motherly love radiating from you, Laado. Your hugs, your conversations, your attention and care, makes him feel special. His young mind is accepting you as his mother now.

You're at a difficult stage now, Laado. If you choose to stop behaving the way you're with him, you're going to leave him with a lot of trust issues. But if you continue to make him feel the way you're, he's going to lean on you forever." He said.

I blinked my eyes in realisation.

"What should I do then?" I whisper asked him.

"Go with the flow, Laado. Learn to live in your present." He said patting my shoulder.

Standing infront of Vedansh's room, my heart clenched at the sound of his sobs and the desperate attempt of his father to console him.

"She hates me too, just like mom, doesn't she?" He cried out. I wanted nothing more than to stride him and scream at the top of my voice that I don't. I can never hate him.

"No Vedansh, no one hates you. How can they hate such an adorable child like you." I heard Aditya consoling him.

"She yelled at me, Papa. She doesn't want to be my mom. No one wants to be my mom. My classmate said that cursed children never get a good mom. Am I cursed child, Dadda? Will I never get a mom?" He cried out. A tear slipped my eyes too.

"You're not a cursed child, bachhe. Haven't I told you how blessed I am to have you in my life?" He replied softly.

"Is getting a mom everything for you? Do you not want your dad, now? Or are dads too overrated now? Don't you love me anymore?" Vedansh screamed a denial in response.

"I love you, Papa. But I want a mom too. All other classmates lf mine have their mom by their sides. Their mom loves them, recite them stories, visits them during functions and awards. I have no one during my award function to pick me up, to tell me that everything is going to be okay on the stage, to hug me when I have a nightmare. I promise I would never let her feel sad or angry. I just want a mom, Dad. And I want Angel as my mom." He cried out.

I couldn't control myself anymore. Knocking twice on the door, I wiped my cheeks and barged in. Walking up to Vedansh, I kneeled down in front of his tiny figure. Holding his hands in mine, I looked at him intently. Streams of tears still flowed through his eyes.

"I am sorry, Angel, I am so sorry. Please don't hate me. I promise I won't pester you again. Please don't leave me." He cried out.

I ducked my head into his lap and burst into tears.

"I am sorry, baby. I had no intentions to yell at you. I am so sorry. I can never hate you, sweetheart." I kissed his hands and put his stray strands of hair back.

"I am so bad na? Making my little lion cry so much. I am sorry, Ansh." I apologised again. He hugged me tightly as I rubbed his back.

All this while, a pair of eyes kept gazing us. It wasn't Aditya.

Little did I know, this unknown gaze was going to flip my world upside down in the upcoming days.



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