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Wooyoung woke up to the loud sound of his alarm ringing in his ears. He sighed heavily as his conciseness came back to him.

"first day." is all he could manage to say out loud, even though his mind was in shambles. what would they think of Wooyoung? how mean are these people? are his professors strict?

Wooyoung is transferring to Seoul University and to say he's anxious is an understatement. The only thing that's keeping him going is that his childhood friend yeosang goes to the same university, and yeosang is gonna do his best to make sure wooyoung feels comfortable.

He found an apartment, with his parent's help, close to the school. In all honesty, the whole reason why wooyoung is transferring is because he had a terrible time at his old university, and the thought of dorming in his new college after what happened last time, sent shivers down his spine.

he got himself up and started his normal morning routine. he put on the outfit he planned the night before while making sure his silky black hair looked good.

"you got this Wooyoung, it'll be fine" he reassured himself. "Things will be great, I just have to stay positive and confident." He winked in the mirror before heading off with his keys and his wallet.

The drive to school was only about 10 minutes, and he thankfully found a parking spot quicker than he thought. Just as he was about to leave he saw all the students walking around campus and his anxiety kicked in.

"what if these people are the same as last time?"

"What if I'm not good enough?"

"will more rumors spread about me?"

He quickly got out of his trance when he heard his phone vibrate.

Good luck today my love! Don't be too nervous okay? If you need anything let me know
oh, and say hi to yeosang for me!

wooyoung stared at his phone screen in disbelief at his mother's instincts. "How did she know that was exactly what I needed to hear right now?" He thought while smiling to himself.

He quickly got out of his car to avoid overthinking again. He texted yeosang that he was on campus so they could meet up before Wooyoung's classes started.


"wooyoung!!" Yeosang yelled. He ran and hugged the boy as tightly as he could. "I feel like I haven't seen you in years"

Wooyoung and Yeosang have been friends since they were kids up until their first semester of uni. It's not like they had a fight or anything, it was simply because they went to different schools and slowly drifted apart. Yeosang was thrilled once he knew that wooyoung was gonna be transferring to his university.

"I know man, I've missed you" wooyoung uttered trying not to show his nervousness.

"I can't wait for today! I'll help you find all your classes, and show u around campus! oh! and you get to meet my friends! You can even eat lunch with us" yeosang yelled excitedly

Wooyoung thought back to his previous school, and it suddenly started to feel like something was stuck in his throat. He had this strange gut feeling that meeting yeosang's friends might not be the best idea. "Uhm, are you sure your friends are okay with that? I wouldn't want to bombard them or anything "

"what are you saying? trust me I know my friends, they won't mind at all! plus I talk about you to them a lot and they're excited to meet you"

Wooyoung calmed himself down a bit and decided to trust yeosang. After all, this is a new school, and wooyoung needed to be more optimistic about everything. Maybe his gut feeling was wrong? His friend would never do anything to put wooyoung in harm's way, Wooyoung knew that.

What he didn't know at the time was that his gut was right. One of Yeosang's friends would in fact have a problem with wooyoung, and it wouldn't stop there.

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