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Yeosang showed Wooyoung where his classes would be held and showed him where the school cafeteria is as well.

"What time do you end your classes?" Yeosang asked


"Okay, that's perfect! Me and my friends meet up around that time for lunch, so you can meet them then! We just talk for the most part since it's easier to hang out on campus than outside of school." Yeosang informed the younger.

"How'd you guys get so close so fast? Don't tell me you're trying to replace me or something" Wooyoung joked.

"shut up, I just happened to work on a group project with Yunho and Seonghwa and they wanted to introduce me to their friends and the rest is history. They're cool guys, you'll love them!"

"I hope so," wooyoung whispered for only himself to hear.

"Okay well anyways, you know where to go now right? I would drop you off, but I have a class in like 2 minutes, and I don't wanna be late" yeosang told with a smile.

wooyoung sighed as he started to get nervous again, knowing that he was going to be on his own. His childhood friend felt it from him and tried his best to reassure the boy.

"Look wooyoung, you'll be fine! You're super charming and lovable and no one here is terrible like those guys in your old school okay?"

"I know it's just-"

"don't be nervous, just try to remember the breathing methods I told you about and you'll do great! Just be that confident strong wooyoung that I've always known." yeosang comforted with a smile

unsurprisingly, Yeosang's words calmed wooyoung down. Throughout their friendship, that's always how it's been, even when they were kids. Yeosang was always there for wooyoung and always knew how to make his nerves disappear when stressful situations arose. And when wooyoung had to deal with that situation at his old school, yeosang comforted him and checked up on him daily. wooyoung didn't even tell yeosang the full detail of what happened. He didn't want to worry his friend about everything so he just told him that some guys were picking on him. even though there was more to the story.

the boys hugged each other and sent each other off. Wooyoung started walking to his class with a strong posture and his head held high. 'fake it till you make it' he thought to himself.


wooyoung got to his class about 10 minutes early. He didn't wanna walk around the campus alone so he just decided to be around his classroom for the time being. Some other students around him were also sitting down, so he didn't feel too weird.

"oh hey, I like your outfit!" He heard someone say close by. He turned around and saw a guy close to his age with split-dyed hair. "oh thanks! I really like your hair " the boy complimented back with a smile

"are you waiting for English 1100?"

"Yeah, you too I'm assuming?"

"yep! Can I sit here?"

wooyoung motioned to the seat next to him and the stranger with the split-dyed hair sat down.
"I'm Hongjoong by the way! It's nice to meet you"

"I'm wooyoung. I just transferred here so I'm a little nervous"

"Wait your names Wooyoung? Are you Yeosang's friend?"

"yeah! How'd you know?"

"Oh, no way! He's my close friend! He never shuts up about you ! so glad to finally meet you also don't be nervous everyone on campus is pretty nice you'll have fun here!" reassured Hongjoong

The boys sat there for a good minute talking about their school life, and what they thought the professor was going to be like. They saw some students walking in and decided to get up for class, Hongjoong sat close to wooyoung, which made him feel comfortable.
"Maybe this wouldn't be as bad as I thought," He thought to himself.

wooyoung was about to ask Hongjoong something when someone else caught his eye. A boy around his age with a blonde mullet walked in. He was wearing a grunge outfit and for some reason, wooyoung couldn't take his eyes off him. There was something special about the vibe he gave off, maybe it was his RBF or the way he styled himself. wooyoung didn't necessarily know what it was, but all he knew was that he was attracted to him.

"San! sit close to me!" Hongjoong shouted and pointed at the empty chair in front of him

The boy wooyoung couldn't keep his eye off of turned around and as soon as he saw Hongjoong his face lit up with excitement

"So his name is san" woo young thought

san sat in front of Hongjoon and was diagonal to wooyoung. San noticed the boy and thought he was a complete stranger until Hongjoong introduced him

"Oh btw san, this is wooyoung! You know Yeosangs friend that he never shuts up about"

"Nice to meet you man," Wooyoung reached out his hand for san to shake but he noticed something.

Right when Hongjoong introduced him, San's whole demeanor changed. it was cold now and he gave wooyoung this strange glare.

"wait you're the guy Yeosang always talks about?" San scoffed

wooyoung retracted his hand that he had out since he felt like this san guy was not going to shake it.

"Uhm yeah. why, is something wrong?" wooyoung said a little confused

san scoffed again while looking wooyoung up and down.

"Don't worry about it" is all san said and he turned around to get his laptop out of his backpack

Wooyoung and Hongjoong shared a look of confusion since neither men had any idea where this even came from. Hongjoong has never seen San act rudely like that before. And Since he knew Wooyoung was feeling nervous he decided to talk to wooyoung until to professor showed up to lessen his nerves, and it worked.

Hi everyone! Sorry if the story is going a little slow but I didn't want to make the chapters too long. Thank you for reading!!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 26, 2022 ⏰

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