One love 💝

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* this story is playing in season 3 el and mike had broken up, and she knows mike is gay and in love with her brother, but she accepts it. On the other side Will is deeply in love with mike and only max and Lucas knows *

( mike's POV : )
We're at Starcourt Lucas is buying something for Max to forgive him. He said me and Will had to tag along:

Maxsimpp : guys I'm buying something for max at Starcourt can you guys please come

Bowlcut boy : Sure!! @simpforalways  wanna come to?

Maxsimpp : Yeah mike, come to! (;

Simpforalways : uhh, let me ask my mum

I run downstairs to my mum " Hey mum can I please go to Starcourt with Lucas and Will "
I said " Oh uh sure! Why so excited? " she said " idk, byeeee " I said leaving i didn't even hear my mum say bye. I went to Will's house to pick him up the door opens " Hi mike! Must be here for Will! " Joyce said, " Hi mike! " I heard the most buatifull boy say " Hi Will, you coming? " I said, "ofcourse, bye mom " he said we went to Starcourt. We saw Lucas by the entrance, we went up to him " I hope that Max will forgive me "   "ofc she is " I said
" well then let's go buy something for her " we went in and Lucas was already gone searching for something. So me and Will sat down " So... How are you? " I said akwardly " I'm fine, you? " and our conversation went on like that until Lucas came " I am so lucky, I found a perfume for only 6 dollars! " Will and I were shocked " u-uhmm, well let's go home then! " Will said " Will can we have a sleepover? " I said nervous if he was gonna say yes or no " sure! Why? " he said and Lucas on the side had a big smirk on his face " because mum is not home and Nancy and Jonathan are in the house so y'know " I said " ewww " I heard Lucas say " well ofc you can but can we go home now " he said annoyed " sure " Lucas and I said,

we said goodbye to Lucas and we went to wills home, and went to his room " so.. what do you wanna do? " "I-i wanna talk to you about something that has been bugging me " I said, Will patted a spot next to him on his bed " come sit " he said. I sighed " what do you wanna talk about " he said in the most caring voice ever , " Will.. I'minlovewithyoueversincewemetbutinevernoticedandialwayswannakissyouandmakeyoumineplsWilljustbemyboysfriend!! " I spatter out I was shocked that I even said it " I-i know you don't like me, im sorry " I said as I was about to leave, but he grabbed my hand and kissed me. I was shocked . He pulled away and said :
" I've been in love with you to " He said

I was probably a tomato right now but i didn't care, I just kissed him again, he kissed me back with his hand on my cheek. We pulled away, " so wil you be my boyfriend? " I said " ofc mike " he said as he held my hand after that we just cuddled, he fell asleep and damn he was cute i thought I couldn't sleep that whole night I just stared at him and kept on thinking I was about to fall asleep, until el burst in " haha I knew it! " she screamed. Will woke up because she was screaming " EL YOU WEREN'T SUPPOSED TO SEE THAT!! " he screamed as she ran away giggling " COME BACK RN! " he screamed " NOPE IM TELLING MOM AND DAD! " Will plopped down back on the bed, " Dad is gonna hate you " he said annoyed " i know, aslong as i'm with you i don't care " I said and kissed him, he pulled away quickly "mom and dad can come in any second! " and yes there they were, standing by the door. Hopper was raging mad " WHEELER! " he said " hi? " I said a little bit scared " you have five seconds! " when i understand what he was saying I quickly ran away " Bye love you Will I'll see you tomorrow! " I said while running away. I heard Joyce say: " Hopp c'mon he found someone that loves him " she said " but why WHEELER he already broke el's heart " I heard him say before I drive home. When I came home I immediately went to bed and spent all day thinking about today and how much I loved him until I fell asleep.

Nancy woke me up " Mike! I'm going to Jonathan so you wil be home alone " she said waking me up " mhm.. " I said as she walked away " WAIT! Can you ask if Will can come over pls? " I said with puppy eyes " fine! "
She said and walked away " yes! " I thanked myself.

An hour later Will came into my room " goodmorning babe " i said, he blushed at the nickname he just kissed me and me just hanged out the rest of the dat with the gang, and ofcourse El had to be there she was teasing us with every godamn thing we did
So we just went home and fell asleep in each other's arm

( yep this was my first one it isn't so good ik but I kinda tried slayyyy so yeah pls don't be angry when i write something wrong sorry if I did but yeah this was a very random story sir yeah 908 words )

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