Episode 25- Killing: The One With The Knife.

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Clovis: We will just reach to the mountains of gale, and after that I'll show Mr. McPherson his last time!

Kuza: Yes!

Atticus: a good confidence... That's good to have it.

They go further. They see many trees there as there was a forest there.

Kuza: greenery again. I'm happy to see it!

Clovis sees a person there up who was tied there with vines, hung.

Clovis: Huh?!? Who's that person there?!?

Atticus and Kuza see him too.

Clovis: let's get him down. Huh? Wait I'll go.

They get the person down, the person was bleeding, was hurt too much. Clovis sees that the person was Peace.

Clovis: Huh?!?? Peace?!? Who did that to him?!? H- he was fine yesterday!! Huh? There's no time to think. Wait I'll get some water.

Kuza: No I'll get.

Kuza runs away.

Clovis: fine then. I'll get some bandages.

Clovis sees Atticus sitting near Peace.

Clovis: I know you are attracted to blood, Atticus. But don't eat him, just go and get a walk. We'll eat something afterwards.

Atticus goes.

Clovis: let me start with my work now. I really don't know who hurt him that badly.

Clovis takes the bandages, Peace holds her hand.

Clovis: Huh?

Peace: *CALM VOICE* Please don't do anything.

Clovis: Huh? Peace! But why? Peace what happened to you?!? Who hurt you?!?

Peace: *SCARED* I- I was hurt.... By a shadow!! T- that was-

Clovis: a shadow?!? Calm down... His heart beat increased. Better not to ask him about that. Peace, why don't you want to get healed?

Peace: Because.... I am not going to be healed. H- he almost killed me.... I'll die.

Clovis: No, you won't... If you stay calm with me. How are you feeling now?

Peace: Not fine... Yet....

Clovis looks at the trees.

Peace: Hatred.... Finished me off.... All because of it...

Clovis: Huh?

Peace: I was... A calm, kind hearted boy.... I was powerless, always lost to Hopes. I trained myself, and was successful in finding my true powers....

Clovis: What did you do then?

Peace: I practiced more. In a fight I mistakenly killed a person. I was so scared..... At first.... But then... It was a new game...

Peace keeps calm for sometime then...

Peace: the powers of mine... were not related to nature.... But I liked nature so much... So I named it the nature.... Divine power.....

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