Chapter 20: Annabel

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Addilyn watched me, as I jogged around the arena,

"How am I doing?" I asked, my breathing heavy as I continued to jog,

"You've defiantly got speed!" Addilyn acknowledged me, a huge smile on her face. I came to a stop in front of my mentor, and grinned,

"Now what?" The blonde haired girl popped a candy into her mouth, and then pointed to the targets,

"Target practice." She smiled, and went over to the gun racks, "what's your favourite gun?" The girl asked me, her long blonde hair bouncing as she turned.

"The handgun I guess?" I giggled, and Addilyn walked over to me, and placed the gun in my hand. I thanked her, and fumbled with loading the gun,

"What some help?" Addilyn asked me, a childish smile on her face,

"Yeah, I still haven't really figure out how to-" the blonde haired girl quickly loaded the gun, and dropped it back into my hands,

"How did you do that so fast?" I gasped, and Addilyn giggled,

"Practice, Anna." She explained, and then pointed to the targets, "now shoot!". I held the gun as steady as possible, and aimed the barrel toward the centre of the target. My finger released the trigger, and the bullet zoomed forward. However, it missed the target, and was bounced off the bullet proof walls.

"You missed, but don't worry about it!" Addilyn placed a encouraging hand on my shoulder, and gave me a huge smile. I gave her a weak smile in return, and aimed my gun at another target.

"Here goes nothing." I breathed, and watched the bullet zoom forward. It missed again.

"You'll get it. Shooting takes practice. Who knows, maybe you're better with hand to hand combat." Addilyn giggled, and retrieved a plastic sword, handing it to me.

"Try fighting that dummy." She said, and pointed at a mannequin in front of me, with targets on it's body. I nodded to my mentor, and sprinted toward the mannequin, bring the sword across the body. Shock filled my eyes as the mannequin head fell to the ground, and landed with a thump.

"That's it!" Addilyn cheered, and I smiled as I watched the girl do a dance on the spot.

"We have a mission." Someone said, and I looked over my shoulder to see Raiden and Addilyn standing there,

"Now?" Addilyn asked, and he nodded. At that second, I noticed the guy had two katanas at his side. Addilyn looked at me,

"Stay here, and keep practicing." She told me, but I shook my head,

"No way!" I rushed up to them, but the black haired guy stopped me,

"You can come with us, but you'll just have to watch. We can't put a newcomer in danger. It's the rules." Raiden explained, and turned away, walking out the door. A sigh escaped my lips, as I followed the two toward their teammates, where I met up with Lyla.

"Hey!" I smiled at my twin, who gave me a grin back, "you coming to observe to?" Lyla nodded, and I could tell she looked disappointed. I gave her a reassuring smile, and then the two of us followed our teammates outside of the base.

"Where are we going?" Lyla asked, and Flame looked at her,

"A ton of mutants have been seen heading for our base." Flame explained to her, as we came to a stop in a large clearing. A huge group of mutants appeared, but I realized that everyone didn't look at all afraid. Clair told Jayon, Lyla and I to stay back, and so we took seats on a fallen tree a few feet from the fighters. Flame and Clair were the first to act. The orange haired guy ran toward the mutants, and burned them to a crisp with his flamethrower. Clair slammed her hammer down on other mutants, killing them in an instant. From the sidelines, North and Lynn shot at the mutants, and I watched the large number decrease quicker than I imagined. The sound of growling interrupted me, and I turned around to see a few mutants making their way toward Jayon, Lyla and I. The three of us equipped our weapons, but someone had darted in front of us, and killed every single mutant with swords before we had a chance. Raiden stopped once he had killed all the mutants, and he looked up at us with a small grin.

"Thanks!" I thanked the guy, who grinned even more,

"No problem." He shrugged, and took off to help his teammates. I watched the guy leave, and felt my heart thump against my chest.

"You okay?" Lyla asked me, and I looked at her,

"Yeah, I think so." I giggled, as I watched my teammates fight.

"Let's head back!" Addilyn smiled at us, and skipped back toward the base. I laughed, and we followed after the girl and her following team.


"Who wants to go swimming?" Clair burst open the door of our dorm, and Jayon, Lyla and I got to our feet,

"We would love to! Except, I don't have a bathing suit." I admitted, blushing.

"Don't worry, there is actually a swimsuit shop near the pool!" The girl grinned at us, and we all exchanged nods and followed the girl down the many halls to the indoor pool. As we entered the swimsuit store, I noticed the perfect bathing suit. It was a white bikini with black polka dots.

"Perfect." I giggled, and realized I didn't have my wallet.

"The swimsuit is free, don't worry." Clair explained, and I nodded. Addilyn suddenly came rushing into the store, and the girl grabbed my hand and pulled me to the change rooms. I laughed, and peeled out of my clothes, replacing them with the new bikini. Addilyn walked over to me, and I looked to see her dressed in a frilly white and pink striped bikini.

"Let's go swimming!" She jumped around, and cheered as she headed to the indoor pool. I smiled at my friend, and headed into the pool. It was defiantly nicer than expected. There was two large pools, one for recreational purposes, and the other was for swimming laps. In the recreational pool, there was two diving boards. I walked toward the recreational one, and slid into the blue water. It was cool, but it only took me a few minutes to get used to it. On the diving board, I saw Flame and Jayon cheering on the black haired Raiden. My gaze went toward the guy, and I examined his muscular torso.

"Um, Annabel?" Addilyn poked my shoulder, and I heard Clair laugh,

"Looks like someone was checking out Raiden." She grinned mischievously, and I turned away, embarrassed.

"I was not." I growled, and Clair giggled,

"Sure, honey." I couldn't stop myself as I looked back at Raiden, and watched him do a backflip off the board.

"Whoa." I gasped, as the guy landed in the water with a splash. The guy's head bobbed out of the water, and he looked straight at me. I found myself blushing as I tried to avoid eye contact. Behind me, Clair was giggling, but Addilyn didn't seem to notice at all of what was going on. Raiden stopped staring at me, and he got out of the pool, and walked back to the diving board. As he did, I noticed my heart was beating fast against my chest.

"You like him!" Clair bumped me with her shoulder,

"No I don't!" I hissed, and watched as Lyla walked up beside her,

"What's happening?" She asked, and Clair grinned,

"Your sister's got a crush on Raiden." The girl said, and I growled,

"Stop! I don't, okay?"

"Sure." Lyla and Clair said in unison, and I rolled my eyes. Although, maybe they were right. Did I really like Raiden?

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