Chapter 3

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Leonid's Perspective (because ain't no way I'm making this story without a perspective switch):

This child is much more quiet and much more disciplined than the woman who I had dragged along in the barrel attached to the anchor chain of the observatory. I think... I think that woman is in Ninir now. But anyway...

I think I'm getting attached to the child.

Isn't her name Pidgeon?


Lately, it's been difficult to remember anything that doesn't really have much to do with my studies.

I feel bad for her. She seems to have been hurt to the point where she wants to seclude herself away from the whole world. Either that, or she's just intolerant to emotional hurt.

Her brows are furrowed. She's having a nightmare.

She doesn't deserve that.

I'll design the most perfect dream for her.

I place my hand on her forehead, as I concentrate on the world I want to create for her.

Eventually, she relaxes, her brows no longer furrowing, and a very slight smile appears on her face.

I calm down, glad that she's sleeping peacefully.

Afterward, I face back to the stars. I stand up and head over to the edge of the balcony, my legs hanging over. I look around for a specific star.

A new one was born just a bit ago. I'd assume, based on its appearance, that it was only born a few days ago. How I missed its birth, I'll never know.

I realized after the events shared with the barrel lady that these stars represent designer reflections. The memories of the designers can be seen through interacting with the stars.

Curious, I reach out to the star, and am flooded with memories.

Friendships. A friend named Bethan. A friend named Billy. Other friends, too, I see other friends, one named Erin, one named Izzy, but this designer's two best friends are these two. Billy and Bethan.

Then, I see a class. The designer plays the violin. The designer is facing a boy... he says "It's nice to be able to sit with someone who doesn't get into fights with everyone." I soon learned his name, Damon. The designer rolls their eyes.

Then, the designer is pushed into a wall, and they pass out, awaking in... the Sea of Stars...

This designer is... Pidgeon.

Hm... I still have yet to see any of her designs. Learning from her memories, she can't acquire any supplies to make them, but to design, she most certainly can design. I haven't seen them, though.

Perhaps I should give her some supplies to see what runs through her mind.

Anyway... I may as well keep my eye on this star.

I have some sort of fondness for new stars. There's something about them that's rather fascinating.

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