Chapter 15

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We all stood gathered at the fence of the prison yard. Waiting in agony for what awaits ahead of us. There was about 50 or so walkers in the main yard, with a consistent but slow spew of them from the actual prison building. This really was just a suicide attempt from the looks of it.

Rick began cutting away at the fence, creating a sliver just big enough for us to slip through. We quickly slipped through and the walkers that we were once outside the fence with tried to follow. Glenn quickly used some extra wire we had to stitch the fence back up, weaving it through the chain link. We made our way through the walkway between the two fences and arrived at the main gate where the watchtower lies. Once there, we paused to catch our breath and go over the plan. 

"It's perfect.", Rick said looking out to the yard in front of us. "If we can shut that gate, prevent more from filling the yard, we can pick off these walkers. We can have the yard by tonight.", he explained with hope in his voice.

"The yards filled. How will we reach the gate?", I asked.

"I'll go", Glenn jumped in. "I'm the fastest."

"No.", Maggie exclaimed. "It's a deathrun."

"I'm the fastest.", he argued.

"No.", Rick jumps in. "Glenn, Maggie, and Beth draw as many as you can over there. Pop em' through the fence. Daryl, Y/n; go back to the other tower. Carol, go with them you've become a pretty good shot, take your time we don't have the ammo to waste. Hershel, you and Carl take this tower. I'll run for the gate."

We all went to our designated spots. Daryl, Carol, and I stood at the top of the far tower weapons at the ready. Daryl had his crossbow, Carol her rifle, and I my bow.

I noticed Carol shaky and fidgety, I put my hand on her shoulder "You have nothing to worry about, everything will be fine.", I reassure her.

"I know, I'm just worried about Rick.", she said.

"He'll be fine, he's been through worse I'm sure.", I continued.

She nodded her head and placed her gaze on the yard ahead of us.

We watched and waited as Rick snuck by some of the walkers as the others drew their attention by shouting and shaking the fence. He shot a few walkers that crossed his path and Daryl and I cleared some up ahead leading to the gate that he made his mission. Carol, Carl, and Hershel bagan shooting at some of the wandering walkers in the yard slowly dimming the numbers.

Finally Rick made it to the gate however the commotion of him running and shooting everything in his path had caught the walkers attention. He struggled to get the gate shut and secured but managed to do so with our help doing the best we could to fight off the walkers. He ran to the nearest shelter which was a smaller watch tower next to the gate he just secured. Once we knew Rick was safe, Daryl mader the call.

"Light it up!",  he shouted and signaled with his hand.

Suddenly the gunfire became more rapid and fast tempo. Slowly but surely the walkers began to fall. Within five minutes the yard was cleared.

"I told you he could do it, you were a big help.", I said to Carol as we made our way down the tower. 

"Nice shooting.", Daryl pitched in celebrating Carol for her work.

Once we got down and we met with the others it was clear the energy of the group and shifted from what it once was. While just yesterday everyone was so ready to give up and felt so hopeless, after today everyone was joyous and excited. It was as if we were beginning a new chapter and we all knew it. 

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