Chapter 11

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I think we all cried ourselves to sleep that night, or at least all but Shane. Dale was a good man, he was a voice of reason and fairness even when the odds were stacked against him. Andrea obviously took it the hardest, she didn't stop crying till sunrise.

After it all happened, I dried my tears and walked away from the gruesome scene. I walked to the house and grabbed a shovel, I dug the hole near Sophia's grave. I had just started when Rick and Shane approached me.

"You don't have to do that.", Rick said. I'm not sure if I didn't hear him or if I chose to ignore him but I kept digging not breaking the silence.

"Y/n", Shane said. Now I definitely chose to ignore him. I guess he got fed up with my attitude and he grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Don't you dare fucking touch me!", I yelled then pulled away and continued.

They took a few steps back and conversed. I heard a truck rolling up and it was T-Dog and Daryl. I went back to digging immediately after. T and Daryl joined Rick and Shane, I saw them look at me and then go back to talking. They could whisper all they want, but I just want to get Dale some peace.

I heard footsteps but I didn't bother looking up this time, "I just want to do this in peace. Okay? I owe him this much."

"Y/n,-" It was T-Dog who they sent this time, "Look, we can do it or at least help you."

"Please..." I stopped digging to look him in the eyes.

He sighed and walked away, they spoke a minute longer before they all walked back towards the camp. I kept digging. I owed this to Dale, I wasn't sure if I could tell my story but I could put him at peace. Soon another shovel joined mine, I looked up to see Daryl.

"I can do it on my own." I said breaking the tension.

"You'll be here all night." he said gruffly continuing to shovel the dirt out.

I didn't know what to say to him so I didn't say anything. When we finished, the horizon had a small orange tinge meaning the sun would be rising soon. Daryl walked over to the back of the truck and grabbed Dale's arms, I joined him and grabbed his legs. We dropped the body into the grave and caught our breath. 

As we were burying him I decided it was time to talk to Daryl, "I'm sorry about before." He didn't say anything so I continued, "I just don't like it when you blame yourself for things that ain't your fault."

No matter how many times I tried to apologize to him he ignored me. I didn't want to push any limits he might have so I didn't try to physically make him face me. Eventually I gave up and gave Dale a proper burial with Daryl's help.

As he hammered in the cross, all the emotions I had been holding in came back. I didn't know if I would upset Daryl in some way so I asked him if I could have a minute alone. He nodded his head and walked away without saying a word.

I sat down next to the grave, "I'm sorry" I started, "I don't know if I'm strong enough to tell them. I know you want me to but I just don't think I'm ready to do that." I felt the hot tears fall down my cheeks, "And Lori-she needs a place to have the baby, if I tell Hershel he'll throw you guys out. I mean he already told me y'all are on thin ice after the barn incident." I said giving myself a sorry excuse to defend myself. "I'm sorry I wasn't there to protect you, maybe if I had gotten up off my ass and did my rounds like I was supposed to it would be me in this grave." I placed my hand on top of the cross and closed my eyes, "Please forgive me."

I should be in that grave, it was my duty to protect the farm and I failed. What if it was Jimmy doing his chores? Hershel checking on the animals? Or Maggie sneaking off with Glenn? If anything happened to them, I don't know what I'd do with myself. They've shown me nothing but kindness and helped me while I've been here. I might not have known Dale for long but I know he was a good man. He always tried to stay fair, even in times like these where the world is anything but.

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