Weirdo + Genius

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TW- mentions of bullying, body image issues, etc. if trigger don't read!

     Riley is consider a weirdo by many people from her school, besides her friends. From painting purple cats to singing La La La over and over again to herself when she's in her own little world. It's a pretty regular thing she does every once in a while to escape. Well, that or simply read stories. Someone or some people find it annoying that she does this to which she replies to that. 'Why do you care some much about what I do?' They're in their junior year of high school, so Riley has come to accept the fact that she has to stick up for herself more, or at least try too.

     ''Riles, draw purple cats again, weirdo.'' Stella Gray, a girl that's in her art class with her.

''Failing again, Gray.'' Riley responds as she rolls her eyes continuing what she was doing. Ignoring the shorter girl. Stella goes silent as she fumes and walks away.

Riley rolls her eyes as the bell rings signaling dismissal.

'Dramatic much' She thought.

     Riley takes a bite out of her chocolate chip muffin as she drinks a bit of her hot chocolate. Stella and her followers, Raya Martin, Taylor Redding, and Tamara Billings walks through the entryway. Riley rolls her eyes as she finishes her food, as she heard obnoxious laughter from Stella and her friends. She ignores them as she starts to read a story on her phone.

    ''Riley Matthews.'' She heard from across the room, looks over to see Stella and her friends laughing and pointing at her.

''Do we have a problem?'' Riley asked loudly for them to hear. Stella and her friends starts talking their smack as Riley rolled her eyes in annoyance. ''Okay, well, when we get outside, I want to see what you're going to do to me.'' Riley's friends looking at the situation in shocked at their brunette friend's words since she never seems to really get upset.

 Farkle pulls her outside of Topanga's.

''Riles, What's happening?''

Riley's eyes filled up with tears. ''I'm sick of their shit. Their always messing with me, all day, everyday, it's tiring.''

Farkle noticed the drop in Riley's mood over the last few weeks, he knows Stella has a habit of bullying underclass men with her being a senior he guess she has in inferiority complex. Giving the way he seen her parents talk and treat her he wouldn't be surprise by it. He went back inside grabbing their things.

''Come on, let's hangout for a while''

     An hour and a half later the movie is finished, Farkle and Riley made their way over towards a pizza joint to get food. After eating, he walked her back to her apartment building. Farkle sits on her bed as Riley sits on her bay window, closing her eyes, she sighs heavily. ''I know, Farkle'' She states. She knows Farkle like the back of her hand, the questions he will asks, the answers. He's always looking out for her even when he's not with her. ''I didn't tell anyone because I didn't want anyone to worry nor make it into a big deal.''

''Riley, We would always worry about you. You are important to us, Matthews.'' Farkle maintains eye contact with her. Riley looks away, defeated as she sighs heavily in thought. Farkle grabs Riley's hand softly as he pulls her up facing him.

    Riley sighs as she looks into Farkle's brown eyes. 'Damn it, always with his eyes again.' She thought.

''Over the last few weeks, Stella and her friends have been taking an interest in me. Why? I'm not sure, but I wish I knew.'' She sighs again. ''So, I can make it stop.'' Farkle hugs Riley for a few minutes as he let's go of her.

''They make fun of me, call me names, makes jokes about my body, it disgust me to no end, but I don't know how to make them stop Far-'' Riley brakes down again.

''They think I'm a weirdo who doesn't deserve great, amazing, friends like you guys. Especially you, you've been through it all with me, been by my side. Why have I done wrong?'' Farkle's heart broke hearing the pain in Riley's voice.

Farkle kissed her slightly on the lips as a few tears slipped from his eyes keeping eye contact with her. ''You did absolutely nothing wrong, darling.'' Riley broke into tears again as she buried her face into his chest.

''We can be weirdos together, geniuses. We can be anything together Riley.'' Riley looked into his eyes as she kissed him softly. ''I know we can Farkley.''

An hour later, the two brunettes fall into a comfortable slumber as Riley's parents check in on her.

''What is they doing?'' Topanga hits Cory on the shoulder

''Cory, leave them alone their sleeping.'' Topanga closes the door.


hope you all liked this chapter, I will update again soon.


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