Standing Still

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My name is Samantha Green. I live on what people call the Sunny Side. about a year ago something happened to the earth and the earth stopped turning. The side with the sun is the Americas, while Europe, Asia and Africa are in Darkness. The earth is slowly dying and while scientists are trying to save the world, the rest of us are trying to go on as if everything was normal.

"I'll have a white chocolate mocha, please"

"Is that all?"


"That'll be three dollars and seventy five cents, please"

I had taken my last order for the day and began walking back to the apartment. I When I got home I found my brother in the kitchen microwaving a something.

"Did you go to the store after school today, like I told you to?"

"Uh, yeah. I already put all the stuff away,"

"What did you buy?""Six pack of eggs, burritos, Ramen noodles, and a half gallon of milk"


I walked into our living room and sat down on our plaid couch. Being up on my feet working the cash register is more tiring than I thought it could be when I first applied for the job.

"Did you finish your homework yet, Leon?"

"Yeah, I did it right when I got home from the store."

"Good. Hey, I was thinking, now that you're sixteen that you could try to get a job close by or something."

"Yeah, I was thinking about that too, I heard that the ice skating rink that's a couple blocks down was hiring and I was thinking about applying there,"

"Nice, now you can work on your twirl."

We both laughed.

I got up from the couch and walked into my room and laid down. There's not a lot to say about my room. There's a small window opposite from the door and a mattress under the window. The room is more of a big closet, really. Leon, my brother sleeps on the couch in our living room. The whole apartment is pretty small. We have a kitchen, my bedroom, the living room and a bathroom.Life's been pretty hard this past year. My father, James Green, died earlier this year in a car accident. He was heading home from work and was hit by a drunk driver. I don't really know what happened to my mother; shortly after my brother was born she ran off with some guy and left my dad alone with us. After my dad died I had to start taking care of my brother and I.

I laid down and stared at the ceiling. The room was filled with light from the permanent sun shining through the sky. I thought about how my life was going. How long is it going to be before I can live in a house again?

I fell asleep with the thought lingering in my mind.

I woke up the next morning and felt a cool breeze. I stood and to check if it was coming from my window, my window was closed. I put on a sweatshirt and headed into the living room, the only other room with a window.

I walked in and found the window open. "Leon must have been out last night" I thought. I turned towards the couch expecting to find Leon sleeping on the couch. He wasn't there. I ran and checked the kitchen and the bathroom. Leon wasn't anywhere to be found.I started to panic; Leon is never out of the house this early. I heard a noise come from the living room. I slowly went back in there and found Leon on the floor. I ran towards him and sat him up, he was bleeding badly from his chest.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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