2 | Being Careful

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[1:00 pm]


What do I do, what do I do?!

"You really have NO IDEA where she is?!"

"I'm talking to you through her phone right now. She left it here last night, and I couldn't contact her."

"Did she tell you where she went?"

"She said she was going grocery shopping at Komett Mall. I sent a couple of staff members to go look for her a few minutes ago, but they haven't called back yet."

"Okay, I'm going hurry on over there. I'll call this number again in half an hour. Please tell me if they call you back by then."

"Wait you don't have to..."

I hung up.

I had to catch a taxi to Komett Mall and look for her there.

I run down the stairs, lock the door and run down the sidewalk. But then I stop.
If I think about it...I could get there much faster if only I made...

No. That would be a bad idea, but...if something happened to mom...

I went back into the apartment and locked the doors. I closed the windows and the curtains.

I reach for the ring on my finger. Just have to remove it, and I'll be able to make a portal.
I take the ring off and hold out my left hand.

I think about the place I want to go to.
I repeat the words,
"Take me to Komett Mall, take me to Komett Mall, take me to Komett Mall."

I see a small portal take form. A small circular hole that I could fit my hand in. I saw a brick wall on the other side. The room looks poorly lit. It might be a storage room. Perfect!

Suddenly my phone starts ringing. I answer it.

"Hey Nikki, it's Mom! Sorry I made you worry. Lanna told me you were trying to call me."

Oh s***! I need to close this portal quickly!

I hear voices coming from the portal.

"Hey, help me get the sodas restocked. They're in the back!"

Gotta hurry, gotta hurry!
I close my eyes, focus, and close my left hand. The portal disappeared.

Oh, thank goodness! I'm safe!

"Hello? Nikki, you still there?"

I quickly pick up the phone,
"Yes, I'm fine! Uh...more importantly, are you okay, Mom?!
I heard you went out at night and didn't come back. What happened?!"

Mom replies,
"Whoa okay, slow down! I'm sorry I made you worry. I fell off the motorcycle it fell on top of me.
It twisted my leg the wrong way. I was going to call, but I realized I left my phone at the orphanage.

Luckily a driver saw me and called an ambulance. The doctors worked on it right away, and it was nighttime so I ended up falling asleep at the hospital.

I woke up late this morning, around 11:00 am. It must've been the medicine they gave me that put me to sleep that long.

I almost forgot to call the orphanage to let them know I'm okay. I was able to get a hold of a phone just recently. Then Lanna told me, you were looking for me.

I'm so sorry! I know you worry about stuff like this."

I tell Mom,
"It's okay Mom. I'm just so glad that you're okay!"

I think I hear Mom tear up a bit.
"Thank you. I'm just so glad it wasn't anything worse! I only tumbled while the motorcycle was at a complete stop. Thank goodness I didn't crash!

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