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"Goddamnit Chloe turn off your alarm clock!" yelled Julia

"Sorry Jules!" Chloe said as she finally rolled out of bed and turned off her alarm clock. "I knew I shouldn't have signed up for 8a.m classes" she muttered as she rubbed her eyes.

"Well I don't have class until 10 so shut up and let me sleep will ya?" said Julia

"Okay okay I'm sorry." chuckled Chloe as she began looking through her closet.

After finally picking an outfit, Chloe quickly got ready and rushed to get out the door in time for her class. Stopping quickly at Starbucks, Chloe got a hot tea to wake her up and seeing as she had a little time to spare walked leisurely to her class. She began thinking of all the things she had to do: write her history paper by Friday, get a cute outfit for the superhero themed party this weekend, and help tutor her sorority sister Cassidy in Calc. As Chloe kept walking, she felt as if someone was watching her, but didn't immediately look around to see who it was. Although she was now a college freshman immersed in classes, friends, partying, her sorority, and student body she couldn't forget her roots in her father's biker gang Hell's Hunters. As Chloe passed by one of the classroom's tinted windows she pretended to look in and fix her long golden hair, but as she looked at the window she quickly scanned her surroundings to see the creep that was staring. Expecting it to just be some random college boy or maybe a friend that was trying to get her attention she was surprised when all she saw were fellow students just walking on their merry way and no one staring at her. She picked up her pace because although she didn't see anyone staring at her, she still had the feeling of someone's eyes on her.

"Maybe I'm just being paranoid" Chloe thought. After all here she was just Chloe, an average college girl just trying to graduate on time, not Chloe daughter of the President of Hell's Hunters. She had to admit it was hard at first to adjust to college where she didn't have to constantly worried about rival gangs or police, but eventually the paranoia of being in a biker gang wore off and she was able to just live in the moment.

Finally making her way to the lecture hall for Geography, Chloe scanned the room looking for an empty seat to sit in.

"Hey Chlo!" yelled Cassidy

Chloe turned her head and saw In the middle of the 300-person lecture hall sat one of her best friends Cassidy.

"Hey Cass" Chloe replied as she sat down next to her friend. She dug around in her bag for her notebook and pen and finally found it and put them on her desk next to her tea.

"How have you been Chlo?" Cassidy asked "You look a little tired."

"I've just been swamped with homework lately, so I haven't been getting any sleep lately" Chloe replied trying to stifle a yawn.

"I know, I've been dying lately from all my homework." Cassidy replied just as their teacher Professor Nelson entered the room.

For the next 2 hours Chloe took notes on the formation of volcanoes and tried not to completely fall asleep in class. Finally the class was over and Chloe quickly said goodbye and rushed back to her apartment so she could take a nice long nap.

4 Hours Later

"Wakey Wakey Sweetheart" Julia cooed at Chloe while pinching her cheeks.

"Don't touch me" Chloe joked as she slapped Julia's hand away.

"C'mon Chlo tonight Danny and his friends are having a party at their house and you know they always have the best parties."

That's one of the great things about college. Chloe loved how instead of in high school where she had class from 8 till 3 everyday she got to pick her classes and therefore got to decide which day she had to go to school. She and Julia had arranged their classes so they both didn't have school on Friday and could have a 4-day weekend. Which meant 4-days of straight partying.

"Okay I'm down, but I don't think I'm going to drink that much tonight." Chloe replied.

"You always say that" Julia said as she rolled her eyes and walked into the bathroom.

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