Overthinking Kills

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**Sorry this chapter is short everyone! I'm on vacation right now, but wanted t ogive you all something to read. ALSO it would mean so much to me if y'all would please share this story with your friends, followers, etc. <3 have a good day!

Chloe laid in her bed and stared at the celling. Her brain couldn't even process what was happening right now. In the matter of hours, her life had completely changed and she was experiencing feelings she hadn't felt in a long time. Regret, loss, grief, fear.

Chloe thought of all the times she had laid in this exact bed and cried just like she was doing now. When her mother died, when she broke her arm, when Ryder broke her heart, it felt as if all her maturity had been stripped away and she was the same five-year-old little girl who had run to her father in tears when Tiger, the cat, went missing. Except the roles were reversed now and Chloe had to be her father's rock and strength. Chloe would have to take care of her father and the though scared her to her core.

She didn't know how to cope with seeing her father in such a fragile state. Her father was her hero and it was if the rose colored glasses had finally come off and Chloe realized her father was human. He was capable of being hurt and he wasn't the impermeable super being she always imagined he was.

Closing her eyes, Chloe let her dreams and imagination run wild. She longed and dreamed of the place she used to think of when she was younger. Where nothing was painful and everything was beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2017 ⏰

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