Party Time

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"Okay how does this look?" Julia asked as she slipped on a tight right dress.

"You look great. You should definitely wear that!" Chloe said as she flipped through her closet trying to find something to wear to Danny's party.

"Ooh you should wear that black halter dress you have. Your legs look killer in it." Julia suggested as she began curling her hair.

"Okay" Chloe replied as she put the dress on and began to work on her makeup for tonight, "Hey Jules are you gonna hook up with Danny again?" Chloe asked as she waggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"Shut up!" Julia shrieked as she turned bright red, but then after a couple of minutes she turned to Chloe and said "maybe" as she smiled coyly.

"You got your eyes on anyone Chlo?" Julia asked switching the attention over to Chloe.

"Uhh not really, I don't know it just seems that a lot of the guys are really shallow and I don't connect with them ya know?" Chloe said while beginning to straighten her hair.

"Who cares if you connect with them? College boys are H-O-T, hot" Julia said as she rolled her eyes.

"Sorry Jules not everyone thinks with their vagina like you do." Chloe laughed.

"Oh come on Chlo, you're not still hung up on that boy from home are you? What's his name?  Ripper? Richard?

"For your information it's Ryder and I am one hundred percent over him" Chloe said,  "Come on let's go to the party, we've been getting ready for like five hours."

And with that Chloe and Julia checked their makeup in the mirror one last time and left to go to the party.

As Chloe and Julia walked into Danny's house, the party was alive and in full swing. People sat around drinking beers on the couch, groups of girls were taking shots in the kitchen, and couples were happily dancing to the loud rap music blasting through the house.

"Hey you two" Danny said as he put his arms around Chloe and Julia's shoulders, "I thought you guys were never going to come around."

"Well princess over here took forever to get ready" Chloe said fake glaring at Julia, "but at least we're here now." Turning to Danny she said, "Wow you really outdid yourself for this party, you're going to have so much shit to clean up in the morning."

"Ugh don't even mention it" Danny groaned, "Go take a shot or something Chloe, you're sober is killing my mood."

Julia giggled, "That sounds like a great idea actually let's go take a shot together!"

Julia grabbed Chloe and Danny's hand and dragged them over to the kitchen table. She filled three shot glasses with vodka and handed each of them one.

"Here's to a good night filled with memories we probably won't remember in the morning, " Julia said as she held up her shot.

"Amen to that" Danny laughed as he held his up.

Chloe held up hers as well, and they all together threw their shots back.  Chloe quickly scanned the room all of a sudden feeling eyes on her. As she turned back around Danny had his arm wrapped around Julia's waist while he was whispering into her ear.

Already knowing where this was leading and not wanting to be anywhere near the two lovebirds, Chloe decided to leave the two and look for other people she knew within the drunken mass.

After talking with her guy friend Brent and catching up with a couple of her sorority sisters, Chloe still couldn't shake the feeling she was being watched.

It's all in you're head Chloe. Relax. She kept thinking to herself, trying to enjoy the party.

But if someone is following me, there's only one way to find out. Never being one afraid of confrontation Chloe decided if someone was following her she'd end it once and for all. And with that she turned and began to walk toward the bathroom. Quickly picking up her pace she began to disappear into the crowd of drunken people, weaving her way in and out. Listening closely she heard the sound of distinct footsteps mirroring hers and immediately knew she wasn't crazy. There was someone following her. Heading towards the bathroom she took a sharp left into one of the bedrooms and waited until the footsteps came close. Just as they reached the bathroom Chloe reached out and grabbed them. Holding them with one hand by the neck, she flipped on the light.

"Hey Chlo" the stranger coughed due to the fact he was being half strangled by Chloe, "long time no see." 

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