Chapter 2

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"Uhhhh, who?" Deku asked the man called Ozpin, "WAIT! You're joking right?" Ruby asked Deku, "Is it a bad thing to not know the guy?" Deku asked the girl. "He's the headmaster to the best hunter school!" Ruby shouted surprised at Deku's lack of information. "Also, why are you here, Uncle Qrow?" Ruby asked, "Cause I'm gonna start working at Beacon this year." Qrow said taking a chug on his flask. "Now, back to what I wanted to ask, how'd you learn to fight with the most dangerous weapon?" Ozpin asked Ruby, "Well, Uncle Qrow taught me how to use a scythe!" Ruby said with a proud smile. "Wait, this guy taught you?" Deku asked, "And what's that suppose to mean?" Qrow said offended by Deku's words, "Look, your a great fighter, but I don't see you as a teacher. Though you aren't the first I've seen that didn't fit the look of a teacher." Deku said. "Again, off topic." Ozpin said to the two, "Now, as for you, how did you learn to fight, and how do you posses more than one semblance?" Ozpin asked.

"Ummm, I ain't gonna say." Deku said bluntly, "Well, that's fine, but can I ask you another question?" Ozpin asked him, "Sure, I got a bit of time." Deku said, "Why do you resort to vigilantism instead of going to a hunter school?" Ozpin asked with genuine interest. "OOOO, I'm getting to learn Deku's motive for saving people!" Ruby said with stars in her eyes, "Because I want to help as many people as I can, with a smile. Showing them that there is nothing to fear, because I am here!" Deku said without stuttering once, "That's a beautiful goal, especially with the world that we live in." Ozpin said with a small smile, "That's so cool! Your like those story book heroes that I read!" Ruby shouted with fanscination.

"So, can I ask you both to join my school." Ozpin would ask the both, "Of course, I would love to join your school! It's my entire dream to go there!" Ruby didn't hesitate on agreeing to the deal. "Sorry, but I'll have to say no." Deku would say, "Um, you sure that's a good idea?" Qrow asked Deku, "To me it is, I still got people to save everyday, and school is not gonna help me a single bit." Deku stated, "Very well, I guess we will have to arrest you for vigilantism, Deku." Ozpin would say, "Sorry, but I'll also have to say no to that." Deku said standing up quickly yelling, "SMOKE SCREEN!"a puff of smoke would cover the whole room which blinded everybody. The sound of brick being broken.

After the smoke dissipated Qrow and Glynda would start looking around the room to see a hole on the ceiling with the moonlight shining through. "Hey Ruby, do you know anything about the smoke?" Qrow asked with a small cough, "That was Deku's Smoke Screen semblance which is self explanatory." Ruby said looking at the ceiling. "Ya want me to go after him Ozpin." Qrow asked.

"No, he's long gone by now." Ozpin said looking through the ceiling, "You two should go home." Ozpin told Qrow and Ruby. "Ok, c'mon kid, your dad's probably worried about ya." Qrow said to Ruby, "Man, I wish he said yes. It would've been so cool to go to school with him." Ruby said with a small bit of disappointment

Deku's location

"Well, I guess they aren't gonna follow." Izuku would say, "Wonder why the guy wanted you to go to school?" A figure would appear behind Izuku. The man was bald with goggles that were wrapped around his head, he would wear a jacket with no shirt exposing his chest. This man's name would be, "Banjo, what's up." Deku would greet Banjo.

"It's been good, but like I said earlier, why do you think he wanted you in his school

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"It's been good, but like I said earlier, why do you think he wanted you in his school." Banjo would ask again, "Don't know, but he didn't seem like a bad person, at least for now." Deku would answer, "Also, nice job with that Roman guy from earlier." Banjo would start to snicker at Izuku's small mistake, "Shut up!" Izuku would shout out in irritation. "Anyways, you should take a small break." Banjo would say, "No, not just yet." Izuku would say, "You do too much. Sooner or later you'll get too tired to the point you won't be able to save the person infront of you." Banjo said with a worried voice, "I won't let that happen." Izuku said with a serious voice.

1 week later

"So ya finally done with the day?" Banjo asked Izuku, "Yeah, pretty much." Izuku said, "Thank god, I'm startied to think you'll never stop." Banjo said. "Indeed, you started to make me worried." A woman said. This woman would have a muscular bulid with yellow gloves, and with black clothing. She also had a small mole under her lips and a large white cape. Her name was, "Hey, Nana." Deku said to her.

" Deku said to her

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"Hey, Midoriya." Nana would say with a endearing smile, "It's been a week since that headmaster guy asked you to join his school, right?" Nana asked, "Yeah, I decided to research on him since a lot people knows about the guy. And it turned out that he produces some of the strongest people in this world." Izuku would say pulling his note book out, "Guess he really was a big deal then." Nana said after hearing the information.

"YO! There Deku!" Somebody said behind Deku, causing Deku to turn around quickly, "Hey, how's it been brotha!" The man said, "Wait! It's you again!" Deku stated being shocked to see the man who sent to this world. "Yup! The one and only!" The man would make finger guns towards Deku. "But I thought you said that when you stop time you can't move?!" Deku asked questioning the man, "Well, you're right, I can't move. But that doesn't mean my clone is included." The man answered.

"So, you're telling me you have another quirk!" Deku was shocked, there have been cases where people could gain two quirks, but three was taking it to another level. "Yup!" The man answered with pride, "So, right now this is your clone." Deku asked, "Yeah, this is just a copy of me that you're talking to." The man answered once more. "Also, WHAT THE HELL!" The man yelled, "What! Did I do something wrong?!" Deku said a bit flustered, "Yes! You were supposed to go to Beacon!" The man said, "I was?" Deku said confused. "Yes, but since your so heroic you declined the offer, and escaped from them, successfully to add!" The man started to complain.

"Wait wait, wait. How do you know what went down?" Deku asked, "I can look through others perspective." The man calmed down answering, "How many quirks do you have!" Deku would ask in shock, "Too damn many to count!" The man said, "Look, I'mma have to teleport you to the initation for Beacon." The man said, "What! But I have to save everybody! I can't just go to some boring school!" Deku yelled out, "Man! I never said ya gotta have ta join the place, ya just gotta save these kids from possibly getting killed!" The man said to him, "Wait, what?" Deku said surprised.

"Yeah, Ruby's part of that group, and she could possibly die with that group if ya don't go." The man started to speak in a serious tone, "If you're telling the truth then screw it, I'll help them." Deku said in a determind voice, "That's what I wanted to hear!" The man said with a large smile, "Ok! Just like last time!" The man said, "Ok! Shoot!" Deku yelled with a purple projectile charging towards him. Once he was hit by it, he was gone.

Chapter completed, and thanks for reading.

I don't own any pictures that I used or will use in the future of this story.

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