Chapter 4

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"RUBY, WHAT THE HECK IS THAT!!" Yang yelled out worried for her sister's safety, "Woah, calm down, this is Deku, the guy that I always talk to you about." Ruby said trying to keep Deku out of the wrath of her sister, "The same guy that ya keep yapping about at midnight?" Yang asked, "Yeahhhhh, that guy." Ruby said nervously. "For someone that my sister looks up to, you sure look scarey." Yang pointed out on how Deku looked like, "Can't look good when you're always fighting criminals." Deku said, "I guess so." Yang would agree with Deku.

Then a giant bear would appear only for it to lay down the second it appeared, "Boooo, it's broken!" The ginger would complain to the boy next to her, "Nora, please never do that again." The boy said out of breathe. "What in the world?" Yang said seeing the two, "Did they just ride on a Ursa." The girl in Black said, "Yeahh, they did." Ruby said nervously. "AHHHHHH!!!!" Screaming could be heard. A giant scorpion would appear chasing a red haired girl with a blonde boy holding on to it's giant stinger. "That's the first thing you don't do!" Deku said seeing the boy hold on to the stinger. "IT WAS BY ACCIDENT, MANNN!!!!" The blonde boy said to Deku, "INSTEAD OF ARUGING, HOW ABOUT SOME HELP!!" The red head said still running.

"Ok, ok, I got the two of you." Deku grabbing the two of them with Blackwhip, "Huh, that's neat." The blonde said once they were near the rest of the group, "Also, WHO THE HECK ARE YOU!! YOU'RE TERRIFYING!!!" The blonde said jumping into the arms of the red head, "Jaune calm down, he did help us." The girl said, "But Pyrrha, look at him!" Jaune said revealing her name. "Look, I ain't hurting anybody, alright." Deku said to Jaune, "But, let me take care of this thing." Deku said looking at the scorpion cracking his knuckles. "You're gonna kill that thing yourself?" Yang said, "I mean, you may be strong, but not strong enough to take on that thing." Yang said to Deku questioning his sanity.

"Trust me, I've never gone past 20% when I was fighting those villians." Deku answered, turning on One for All 20% and running straight to the Grimm, "What did he mean by 20%?" Yang asked Ruby, "Oh, well, people have speculated that he can control the amount of strength that he dishes out at will." Ruby answered Yang. Now, to Deku's fight. Deku would punch the creatures bone-like armor causing it to crack, "Natural armor huh, well, there's always a limit to what it can tank." Deku said dodging a pincher of the Grimm. The Grimm would go for another attack with it's stinger which Deku dodged and then grabbed the stinger to flip it over, slamming it to the ground stunning it. Deku would run over to the cracked armor and repeatedly smash it to the point that the armor breaks.

The Grimm would get out of it's stunned state by grabbing Deku and throwing him off. Deku would land on his feet and run straight to the Grimm the next second. The next thing that Deku would do is grab the stinger and tear it off causing the Grimm to sceerch in pain. Deku would then use the stinger to stab through the shattered bone armor, killing it effectively. "Phew, took a bit longer than I thought." Deku said walking towards the group, who had their jaws on the floor, "How the heck did you do that!" Jaune said, "Oh, I punched it a couple times, and then I used it's stinger to finish it off." Deku explained. "I don't think I've ever seen somebody kill a Grimm of that kind with only their bare fists." Blake said, "I mean, c'mon this is Deku, for crying out loud!" Ruby said giddy making circles around Deku, "Ok, we get it Rubes, You're a fangirl of his." Yang said seeing her sister fawning over him. "CAWWWWW!!!" A loud noise was heard through the sky causing the entire group to look up to see a giant bird fly.

"Guessing we also need to get rid of him." Deku said staring at the Grimm, "Well, the only thing that was required is the artifacts, so we don't have to kill it." Blake stated to Deku, "Running away, now that sounds like a good plan!" Jaune said taking the lead on running with the rest following. Danger Sense had other plans, causing Deku to yank them back with Blackwhip, "Hey! What's the big idea!" Jaune told Deku, "Look!" Deku said pointing infront of them, seeing the sharp feathers that were imbeded to the floor, "HOLY MOLY!! WE COULD'VE DIED!!" Jaune yelled out, "Ok, now let's run for our lives." Deku said taking the lead this time around. After awhile of running from the giant bird they would arrive to a collapse bridge.

"Ummm, guess we should get rid of that bird." Deku said looking down through the bridge, "Well, how are we gonna do that!" Jaune said, "By maybe shooting at it with y'all weird weapon combos." Deku said and added, "I'll knock it down, so y'all can finish it off." Deku said while putting his hand in a flicking position and charging up One for All to 30% to reach the bird. "What is a flick gonna do to a bird that's all the way up there?" Weiss asked, "Just one sec." Deku responded waiting for the perfect moment to fire, "AIR FORCE!!" Deku would flick his fingers causing large, powerful gust of wind to nail the bird, dropping it to the floor. "Well, I recommend killing the bird now." Deku said staring at the group.

"Got it boss!" Jaune said running to the stunned bird, slashing it with his sword that did negative damage, "Ummm, I think y'all should help him out." Deku said with the rest agreeing.

After it died

"So, how are we gonna get over this bridge?" Weiss said, "I think I know a way over it." Deku said, "It better not involve those tendrils and the flying!" Weiss said traumatized from the experience, "Too late!" Deku would use Blackwhip to grab everyone, and he would use One for All to launch them to the air. Making it to the other side of the bridge. "Why, why is it so fast." Weiss said with her hair messy from the amount of wind, "Oh, what about my autograph!" Ruby asked getting close to Deku for his ledgendary autograph, "Oh, right, let me get something to write on, and to write." Deku said getting a notebook and ripping a page off making him whince at having to destroy a notebook. He then would grab a pen from the yellow backpack to write on the page. He would draw a logo on it that looked like this.

"YEAHHHHHHH!!!! I FINALLY GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH!!!" Ruby yelled out finally getting his autograph, "Man, was I really like this when I first met All Might?" Deku asked himself if he was, "THANK YOU SIR, THIS WILL BE A FAMILY HEIRLOOM FOR GENERATIONS T...

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"YEAHHHHHHH!!!! I FINALLY GOT HIS AUTOGRAPH!!!" Ruby yelled out finally getting his autograph, "Man, was I really like this when I first met All Might?" Deku asked himself if he was, "THANK YOU SIR, THIS WILL BE A FAMILY HEIRLOOM FOR GENERATIONS TO COME!!!" Ruby said thanking him, "Wait! Didn't I say that to All Might too!" Deku said realizing this in his head. "Well, guess ya got a number 1 fan now little hero." Banjo said making a appearence that Deku could only see. "Huh, never really expected to ever have a fan to be honest." Deku said timidly, "Well kid, ya deserve to have fans, more than ya think at least." Banjo said patting his back and disappearing, "More than I think?" Deku said thinking about what Banjo said to him.

After decades, I have finally updated this story!!!! Sorry that I didn't for awhile.

Also I wanted to tell y'all that I've decided to work on Revving the Saws Once More and Vigilante in Remnant before making a new part for Chainsaw Man in Rwby. So, look forward to new updates on my smaller works before my more popular one.

Anyways, hoped you liked it!!

I do not own any pictures that I used or will use in the future of this story. They belong to their respective owners.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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