Chapter 2 - No recollection

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(Rui's POV)

(Three months later)

I'm surrounded by a dark void with no exit

I open my eyes


I was just sleeping

But why am I in the hospital?

Actually, who am I in the first place?

It hurts to move my body, so I looked around

I checked the time, it's 12pm

It feels empty here, but I guess I'll just have to cope with that

A few hours later, a blonde haired boy walked into my room

He looked surprised to see me

R- Rui?!

He knows me?

"Who are you?"

So this is how I sound like

A soft and soothing voice

The boy looked surprised, almost as if he's panicking

R- Rui, you can't be serious, right?
You're p- pranking me again, r- right?


I like to prank people?

"I'm sorry, but I don't even know who I am"

I shouldn't have said that

Upon hearing that, he looked like as if he's about to cry

He then walked next to me and sat down

"I'm sorry..."

He smiled at me

It's fine
I shall reintroduce myself then
I am Tenma Tsukasa, the world's future star

It's weird hearing someone saying it so calmly

I thought that line is shouted out loud in a somewhat arrogant tone

Maybe it's something from my memories that I couldn't get out of?

"So what about my own name?"

You are Kamishiro Rui, the best stage director I've ever met

I do stage directions, huh?

I felt something soft against my forehead

You should get some rest

I just realised Tsukasa-kun kissed me on the forehead and touched my forehead with my hand

Tsukasa-kun's face instantly turned red

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that
It's more of a habit for me, I have a little sister who used to be very sick
And I kiss her forehead every night to tell her goodnight

He looked so cute like that

What am I even thinking, it was just a force of habit, it's not likely he would actually kiss me

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