Chapter 6 - Back to normal?

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(Tsukasa's POV)

That giggle...

That's Rui's signature giggle

So that means...

It worked!

"Thank you so much, Miku!"

No problem, Tsukasa-kun!

As tears flow down my face, I gave Rui a hug

Rui gently patted my head

There's no need for so much tears, Tsukasa-kun

His voice is so gentle and soothing to hear

I feel something stir within me, like butterflies in my stomach

After two days, I'm very sure that I have a crush on Rui now

I thought everything is back to normal but I guess it's not

I've been acting very awkwardly towards him recently because of this

Tsukasa-kun, are you okay?
You've been very clumsy lately

"Yeah, I'm fine"

If something's bothering you, you can always tell me

Should I tell him?

Lost in thought, I failed to realize that I'm blushing

It's just that-

He can be really nice and gentle

Fufu, you face just gave it away

"N- no, it's nothing like that I- I swear!"

His smug face then turned into a frown

Do you not have feelings for me?

Wait what?

I stood there, dumbfounded

I can feel my face burning from the heat

"I- I- I-"

Do I confess?

I'm here panicking while Rui is giving  me a sad look

No, I have to confess

He's already sad because he thinks I don't have feelings for him

I do, so I can't lie

"It's not like that..."

"I really like you"

"I want to be with you"

His frown then turned back into his usual smug face

Fufu, that's what I want to hear
Because I also like you a lot

"So we're together now"

Forever and ever


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