part 7

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Tuesday and Wednesday were pretty average days. Well, Julian enjoyed everyday he spoke to Ethan, even if he didn't act like it.

Julian and Ethan started developing a routine; Ethan would take an ungodly long nap, Julian would wake him up and invite him to smoke, and then they would go back to their separate dorms, stay up doing homework, and repeat.

Julian Kind of liked it. He liked seeing Ethan all groggy and half asleep. I mean you don't just see anyone freshly woken up on a daily basis. Julian wondered how Ethan felt about it.

Julian was sitting in study hall, waiting for school to end. They had their first speech and debate meeting that afternoon. Julian wasn't lying when he told Ethan that he was good at debate.

He was only slightly offended when Ethan called him self righteous. Most everyone he knew thought the same thing. He just thought he was nicer around Ethan, and he was but it's not saying much, since half the time he just stares at anyone who tries to talk to him.

To be fair, he did do that to Ethan when they first met, he only invited him to smoke because he seemed so sad when Julian was cold toward him, it made him feel bad. He wasn't sure why, since he usually didn't cared, but he did.

Julian thought it was nice, Ethan's constant attempts at getting to know him. It wasn't like Julian wasn't used to the attention, a lot of people tried, but not a single one has gotten any where near as close as Ethan has.

He looked up at the curly haired boy behind him, Ethan immediately shifting his gaze from one of his friends to Julain. He hated how easy Ethan made things, it made him feel bad. He almost wanted him to be more distant, a little meaner, but he wasn't, at least not to Julian.

Ethan gave him a small smile, one he didnt return. Julian didn't feel like he needed to smile for Ethan to know that he acknowledged him, and that he consider him a friend-ish.

Julian walked with both Chris and Ethan to Debate. He was quiet, letting Ethan's voice fill the air. He spoke about how excited he was that they were finally old enough to go to nationals, he was practically bouncing.

When they got to the room Julian took a seat next to Ethan. The supervisor for the club, was obviously, the Senior's Literature professor.

"Welcome, and for some welcome back, I'm Mr. Wilson. This is just the first meeting, so it won't be too long nor fun... But, I've decided to do an ungraded, but still important, debate next Thursday, against your fellow classmates."

"Please stand, when I call out your names, and take a seat with your partner,"

There were only four kids per grade, to make it they check all your records and grades, they only accept the best so the school wins all sorts of titles.

Julian waited for his name to be called, he wasn't too nervous since he would probably be paired with Chris or Ethan. He wouldn't mind either, being with Chris would be fine, and being with Ethan would be fun. He was however kind of looking forward to debate against Ethan.

He finally heard his name be called, "Julian Sin Clair and Lucas Harris,"

Julian wanted to bang his head against the wall until the school was forced to take him home, or the hospital.

He looked around the room waiting, and saw a red-head move throw the small crowd of eighteen kids. Julian just followed him to his seat. When they were both seated, Lucas, like a normal person, started trying to talk to him. However, Julian did not want to engage in conversation with anyone who wasn't Ethan, Chris, or John.

"So... do you usually research?"

"No, I'm better at the 'speech' part," Julain said and he wasn't lying. Sure he hated actually talking to people, but he was great when it came to debating.

"That's actually perfect, we'll make a great team," the red-head said, with a smile that seemed a little forced. Julian just sat there not even looking at the poor guy.

Eventually he finished reading off the list. "Debate of the week: Can you separate the art from the artist?"

a few people started whispering and discussing, when Mr. Wilson started walking around giving each group either the number one or two.

"One is no, and two is yes," He said with a grin.

They got two. Automatically Julian looked up from his seat to find Ethan, who was a few seats behind already staring. Ethan lifted up one finger with a smile. Obviously they were debating each other, and Julian couldn't help but give him a smile.

After Wilson went over the rules, and the general sense of what is expected of each and every group the meeting was dismissed.

Julian quickly walked out, so he wouldn't be forced to stand next to Lucas for too long. There was nothing wrong with him, he wasn't mean or anything, new people were just a challenge. Julain stood waiting by the door for Ethan and Chris. He didn't say anything when he finally spotted them, he just started walking next to Ethan.

Julain looked down at Ethan, who looked up and gave him a small, unnoticeable nod. Chris's and Julian's building was the closest. Julian told Chris he was going for a smoke, so Chris entered, not waiting up as Julian kept walking.

"How was working with Lucas?" Ethan asked, being the first to break the silence.

"Fine," Julian muttered.

"Oh come on, he's actually really nice, you just have to try to talk to him."

"I did talk to him,"

"Unless it was over ten words, it doesn't count,"

"Like ten words between us both, or just me?"


"Oh yeah, I didn't speak to him," Julian said matter of factly. Ethan rolled his eyes and scrunch his nose, which made Julian chuckle. "It's almost the weekend,"

"I know..."

"We're running a little low on cigarettes," Julian said taking in the foggy air, it was supposed to rain tomorrow.

"Oh, sorry."

"No, no you're fine, I just have to buy more," At this point, Julian and Ethan had past their smoking spot. He didn't even think about smoking, walking was nice.

"What, do you have a dealer in town?"

Julian laughed because it was true, "I do, my older brother."

"I thought you two weren't close," Ethan said with his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'm not, but he lives around here, so he said he'd do me the favor."

Ethan's mouthed the word "oh" without it being audible.

"Honestly, I think it's just another way for him to say 'Fuck You' to my dad," Julian shrugged.

"Well it benefiting you, short-term, I mean. 'Irreversible damage'," Ethan said mocking all the anti-smoking campaigns.

"Anyway, the reason I brought this up is because I wanted to ask if you wanted to go in town with me. We'll grab the cigarettes, maybe some food, and then head back,"

It wasn't a date. Julian was not asking him on date, or even to hang out, it was just an errand they could run together.

"Sure, just let me know what time I should be ready," Ethan said giving him a smile.

They were at Ethan's dorm building, they didn't go for a smoke, Julian walked him to his dorm. "I'll see you tomorrow, yeah?" Ethan said.


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