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Carlisle had filled me in on everything that had happened with Bella. I went and talked to her while she was in the hospital, and she somehow convinced me to move back to forks. 

I sat in my room back in forks looking at my homework, Carlisle changed Liam but they wouldn't let me see him. I mean I guess it was for the best because not seeing him helped me still avoid Jasper. 

Bella walked into my room dressed in a blue dress. "You look good," I smile. 

"You still have time to get ready," she says. 

"Not really my scene," I shrugged. 

"Not mine either," Bella says. "But Edward wants me to have every human experience," 

"Well I'll always be human so I don't need to play human while waiting to be turned," I say and she nods understanding. 

I listened to Edward and Bella leave, with a sigh I turned to my laptop and began to work on a final essay for school. 

"How are you doing?" Dad asked. I turned to see him leaning against my doorframe. 

"I'm fine," I shrugged. 

"So, I know you left when you and Jasper broke up. Are y'all still not talking?" he asked. 

"No, and I don't think we will get back together," I tell him. 

"Can I ask why y'all broke up?" he asked. 

"We just want different things in the future," I shrugged. 

"So because a 16-year-old and a 17-year-old don't know what they really want in the future but what they want right now doesn't match, they gave up?" he asked. 

"It's more than that dad," I sighed. 

"So explain it to me," he says sitting on my bed. 

"I know what I want, exactly who and what I want. But he doesn't want the same and he clearly doesn't want me," I shrug. 

"Try harder," my dad says and walks out of my room. I frowned and lay on my bed with a sigh. 

I got up and opened my closet grabbing the sparkly pink dress out. I stared at it for a minute before grabbing the white sparkly heals to go with it. I ran to the bathroom curling my hair and doing my makeup as fast as I could.  I walked back into my room and slipped the dress on and put on the heels before running down the stairs. 

"Where ya going?" my dad asked from the couch. 

"To try harder," I smiled at him. He gets up off the couch and grabs something before walking over to me and handing it to me. I looked at it to see it was a flower, for Jasper. "How'd you know I was gonna go?" I asked him. 

"Because I've watched you stare at that dress for days now. If you weren't going to go for him, I know you'd go for yourself," he smiles 

"How do you know I'm going for him?" I asked looking at him. 

"Because you love him and you don't give up on the people you love," he smiles. 

"Thanks, dad," I smiles and hugged him before grabbing my keys and running out to my jeep trying not to trip in my heels. 

I drove the fifteen minutes out of town towards the Cullen's house. I pulled up to the large glass house and parked the jeep sliding out. I walked up to the door and Jasper opened it before I could knock. 

He looked me up and down, "What are you doing here?" he asked confused. 

"Take me to the prom," I smiled softly. 

"Zoe," he sighs looking at me with his pained expression. 

"Don't Zoe me, don't tell me it's not worth our time because I don't want to turn and you won't stand by and watch me have kids with someone else and grow old and die. None of that matters we are 16 and 17. All that matters is I'm in love with you Jasper Hale. I tried to run from here and you but I'm back and I love you," I said forcing the tears back so I wouldn't ruin my makeup. 

Jasper reached his hand up to my face, cupping my face. I leaned my face into his hand and then he pulled me close pressing his lips hard to mine. I kissed him back like he was air and I had been deprived far too long. 

He pulled away from the kiss leaving me gasping for hair, "Give me a moment," he whispered, and then he was gone. I looked around and Esme walked up to the open door. "Come in dear Zoe," she smiled and I walked in. 

"We missed you," she smiles. 

"I missed y'all too," I smiled. 

Emmett walked up throwing his large arms around him and spinning me. "God, it's good to have you back," he says. 

I giggled as he set me down and Carlisle walked up, "You look beautiful Zoe," he smiles giving me a gentle hug. 

"Thank you," I smiled, and then Jasper was back in a suit. I smiled looking at him and bit my lip thinking. 

"Shall we?" he asked holding his hand out to me. I nodded and took his hand and he placed a rose around my wrist. I smiled and lifted his attaching it to his suit. 

"Wait picture," Alice smiled holding up a camera. We took the picture and then Jasper pulled me out to his car. 

We pulled up at the prom and walked in seeing everyone, Mike giving us a glare as normal and Jessica smiling cuz she had mike. We walked through and he smiled down at me as a slow song came on and he pulled me to him as we began to sway slowly. 

"Zoe," he says looking down at me. 

"Don't ruin this is," I sigh laying my head on his chest as we swayed. This moment was to perfect for him to decide my speech at the house wasn't good enough. 

"I love you Zoe," he whispers. I smiled biting my lip closing my eyes to take this moment in my head forever. It was our moment, our start of forever. 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 12, 2022 ⏰

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