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Last updated: dec. 11th 2022

“Take charge of your destiny...”

..In the world of pokemon scarlet and violet! And no, this book *hopefully* won't be a buggy mess.
But as usual, please keep some rules in mind! They're cut down to the absolute most important, don't want anyone to spend ages reading this chapter c;

1 - Please be literate

this is like, already in the description of this book, but please, for the love of Arceus, make the replies literate and interesting! I live for detail, I live for drama, I live for some good ol' fluff or angst or anything at all!
Just be careful not to overdose or center the attention around a single person/oc, unless the chapter or scenario asks for it.

2 - Respect one another

You can tag me every 2-3 days if I haven't responded, and I know it seems like a very long time, but I'm just so awfully busy throughout most of the day. Weekends are usually a time when I'm pretty much online all day, so yay! Don't worry though, I'm not ignoring you when I'mnot replying. I'm just dealing with most work I prograstinated up until that point (':
And, most importantly, be respectful to anyone in this book! I don't want to see any hateful speech or hate in general. Any race/gender/sexuality is more than welcome in this book!

3 - Grammar

I know, I know, this is basically a no brainer,  but this is a children's game after all. There's nothing else that gives a reply more of a glowup than proper grammar, punctuation and just a logical structure. This helps me to actually *understand* what's going on. It doesn't have to be perfectly written english, heavens no, but at least put some effort into it and reread your reply before sending- I'm 99.9% of the time going to do the same!

4 - Forms

yes, you may tag! But notify/message me first, so I don't have to be dumbfounded at suddenly being tagged without context.
Also! If you'd like to fill out a form in this book, go ahead! Just make sure you put a decent amount of detail in your character and put everything in one comment, so I won't have to assemble everything.

5 - Roleplay

Please, stick to third person when roleplaying. Over time, this is just the form I've gotten most comfortable with! Also, on this note, I'll only be doing human x human roleplays, pokemon are more than welcome to appear, but not to be romanticised.
I play your crush, you play mine, just the basic equality stuff. if our oc's share the same crush, I don't mind changing mine, no worries on that topic! There are way too many lovable characters in these games either way-

Also, I'm most likely not going to do group roleplays, sorry. Most I've done ended in an absolute chaos, so It's mostly only going to be the two of us <3

...and that's about it! I refrained from putting a password in this book, so I'll just have to trust and hope that y'all actually read this :^

Next up: FORMS

Next up: FORMS

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 ❥ 𝗧𝗿𝗲𝗮𝘀𝘂𝗿𝗲 𝗛𝘂𝗻𝘁 | pokemon scarlet/violet roleplayWhere stories live. Discover now