9: First argument

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It was his fault! That's all I have to say! He wanted this to happen! If he's going to date me he needs to apologize first! He knows I'm always right! I apologized already to him now he needs to apologize to me. Even though it's been a week after the incident I'm still mad about it. Xinlong and I didn't talk to each other he still wore his ring but I took mine off and today he seemed to notice it was gone.

He was staring at my hand a lot and would take glances at me when I'm doing something.

He was sick of ignoring me. He wanted my attention so he could hear my voice again but I tried to not give it to him.

"Xinlong! Can you move I'm trying to get through!?"

I Said with an attitude.

He scoffed and moved out of my way and after I moved past him he watched me go to the cafeteria.

He could kiss my ass if he thought I was going to apologize.

After going through Lunch Xinlong was talking to these girls and it made me jealous! Why was he even talking to them in the first place?

Xinlong saw and I walked away and into the bathroom.

After school.

It was after school and I was at my mom's friend's house. They were close but I never really met them but I would see them come to family events and stuff.

They had a son named Aaron that was my age but we went to a different school. I hung out with him and we were talking while walking around the park.

"So.. do you have a boyfriend?"

"Oh.. well.. kinda? I don't know if it's kinda confusing right now. We got into an argument and now we're ignoring each other. I saw him talking to other girls and I got jealous making me more mad than I already am."

" Oh..why don't you just apologize?"

" Yeah I did when the incident happened I quickly apologized but then he never did so he needs to say sorry to me. "

" Maybe he just has trouble saying sorry? I mean, how long has it been since the incident?"

" A week. "

I stopped and looked at him.

" I can't do this anymore!! "

I hit my head against his chest and looked at him.

" I hate my life! I have a boyfriend who doesn't know how to say sorry!! I mean he does it's just he doesn't know how to say it!"

I said and hit my forehead as he laughed.

" Okay, whatever. "

" No, it's not whatever! I miss him.. "

" Aww, Y/n you miss your non-apologetic boyfriend."

"Shut up! At least I have someone unlike you."

I walked away and he followed me.

After that little hangout, he walked me home since it was dark and almost 11 pm and hugged me.

"Get better okay hopefully your non-apologetic boyfriend comes around."

"Yeah sure."

After he left I went to shower and laid in bed.

"Jeez! Why do I miss his stupid face!"

I punched the air and threw a pillow off my bed.

The next thing I know I heard a small knock at the door and I got up. I opened it with no fear and there was Xinlong.

" Ugh! "

I was about to close the door but he stopped it with his hand. He made his way in and closed the door.

"Go home."

I said and walked away.

He followed me to my bedroom and I told him to go away once again but he wouldn't talk. He closed the door and I spoke again.

"Yah! Didn't I say to go home!!"

I pushed him away from me but he grabbed my arms and pulled me to him.

"I'm sorry."

He said and looked me in the eyes.

"I'm sorry for overreacting."


I said knowing he needs to apologize for more


He looked at me confused.

"Yes and?"

I looked at him up and down since he was kinda acting stupid.

" You ignored me and talked to those girls behind my back!"

"Oh really because just not too long ago I saw you with your new boyfriend!"

"He's not my new boyfriend! He's just a friend!"

"Oh yeah? Because I saw you guys at the park and you wanted to be in his chest and wanted to hug."

"Yeah well, you were talking to the girls and making them laugh. They seemed really into you, you should just date them instead of me!"

He sighed and was over all this arguing.

"Okay! I'm sorry for overreacting, I'm sorry for talking to those girls and I'm sorry I made you mad."

"I'm sorry for talking to a boy that you don't approve of even though I could choose my friends. And I'm sorry for..."

I had to think about what else I was sorry for...

"That's it."

I said and smiled.

"That's not all!"

"Okay, what did I miss?!"

"Where's your ring at?!"

He looked at my hand and my mouth went to an o shape.


I looked around the room and went to my bed and pulled it from out of under my pillow.

" Here. "

I held it and he took it.

He grabbed my hand and put it on my ring finger again where it was originally.

"Don't take it off or else."

"Or else what?"

" Or else I'm done with you. "

He looked at me seriously. I held the ring and almost took it off but placed it back on.

" Heh, I'm just kidding. "

I said and hugged him tightly.

" I miss you a lot. "

I gently inhaled his scent and looked at him.

"Did you miss me?"


My jaw dropped and I pushed him away.

"Go away."

"I'm kidding."

He pulled me back and hugged me and looked at me.

"Okay get out. You can't sleep over."

"Fine.. I'll see you tomorrow?"

I nodded and he kissed my cheek before leaving.

Enemies To Lovers (Xinlong X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now