10: first kiss

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About a month later

It was currently late at night. 4:56 to be exact. I had to sneak out of the house for today's date with him/ He Xinlong. He told me to wear something warm because we'll be outside in the middle of the night. I got my house keys and walked out the door seeing him waiting. He looked cute but handsome in his comfortable clothes.

I closed the door before locking it. Right after I quickly ran to him hugging him. He hugged my body back before intertwining our hands together as we walked to the city for a taxi. He got us a taxi that was still in business and paid the taxi driver to drive up the hills. It was a lot of money. Where does he get all this money?!

He paid for the taxi to stay and wait for us as we headed up long cases of stairs just to get to see the beautiful view. He held my hand on the way up.

Then he stopped walking at this pretty spot where you could see everything. My back was against his chest as he was holding me close to his body by my waist while looking down at me as I admire the view. My focus went from the view to his handsome face. I turned my body to face him and my arms naturally wrapped around his neck. He looked showed a small grin and spoke.

"Have you ever kissed someone?"

I awkwardly shake my head at him embarrassed and ashamed.

After that, it fell silent. We stared into each other's eyes but soon his face got closer to mine. Are we about to kiss? Wait! What do I do?! I don't know what to do! I HAVE NEVER BEEN KISSED BEFORE WHAT THE ACTUAL HECK DO I DO!! Before I could do anything his soft lips already landed on mine. His eyes were closed as mine we open in shock.

Do I kiss back?! Yes, no, what? I closed my eyes and slowly kissed him back. He pulled my body closer leaving no gaps blocking us and continued kissing me. After a few minutes we pulled away and he looked at me seeing my cheeks heat up as I hid in his chest.

" Do you wanna practice more? "

He smirked and I pulled away.

" No thanks maybe in 10 years. "

After a few minutes, he held my hand as we walked back down to the taxi. We were inside the taxi and the taxi driver looked at us in the mirror.

"I hope you guys didn't do any funny business.."

"Oh.. no sir we didn't I swear."

I said and nervously smiled.

He nodded and started the car.

"So you guys are dating or something???"


I looked at Xinlong and he was on his phone.


"Oh, I remember my first relationship.. her name was Jia. She was so pretty! Everyone at school wanted her but she chose me out of all the people. I had a small crush on her but I never tried talking to her."

"Oh really?! "

He nodded.

" we almost broke up but we didn't. She was the love of my life. She became my wife."

I hope something like that happens to me.

" Oh my gosh, that is so cute! Your first love became your wife. Do you have any children?!"

" Yeah... I have 2. One boy, and one girl. "

" How old are they? "

" My boy is 23 and my girl is 20."

" Wow! Are they perhaps married? "

" Yes, my boy is married my girl isn't married yet though. She has a boyfriend but I don't like him. But if she's happy I guess I'm happy. "

" That's so cute... I'm so jealous.. "

I pouted and sighed.

After a few more conversations we were back in the city. I thanked him and Xinlong paid him. We walked around going to the convenience store. Xinlong bought warm drinks and some food for us to eat.

After we were done he walked me home but before we reached the door I stopped us from walking any further.

"We should stop here I don't want to wake up my mom she'll be mad if she caught me up at this time and that I snuck out of the house."

He nodded and looked at the door then at me.

"Thanks for tonight. you should get home before anything else."

I said and he bit his lower lip.

I looked at the door and then at his lips.

I moved closer and kissed his lips. I pulled away and hid my face away from him.

" I'll see you... Later.. "

I said and looked in between the gaps of my open fingers.

He nodded and pulled my hands pecking my lips before leaving.

Enemies To Lovers (Xinlong X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now