11: male F-R-I-E-N-D-S

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Xinlong and I were at school and it was lunchtime.

Of course, Xinlong was hanging out with his friends. Usually, I just sat down alone or walked around.

But now I'm eating lunch. Xinlong and his group were at a table and instead of focusing on his friends he looked at me and mouthed words to me. Like ' I miss you.' 'Does your food taste good? ' etc.

After a few sentences, I felt a person tapping on my shoulder. I turned around and saw a boy with glasses with his puppy look outfit.

"Hi.. my name is Cheng.."

He bowed to me and I looked at him slightly shocked.


I looked at Xinlong and looked at the guy who was assumed to be Cheng.

"Hi, my name is Y/n."

I said and slightly bowed.

"Can I sit with you? I'm new here."

"Oh? Sure."

He slightly smiled and sat next to me.

We started talking and laughing. It turns out we had a lot in common. After we threw away our food and started walking around our school campus.

"Oh, can you help me find this class?"

He showed me his paper on his schedule and I nodded.

"So you have class 611 B."

I said looking around.

"First! You need to find building 600!"

I said and pointed at the far building.

" Here I'll take you, my class is also in there plus the bell will ring soon. "

He nodded and I took him to the building.

" Okay now since we are in the building in 600 you want to find 11."

We started walking down the hallway and got to the class he had, then the bell rang.

" Well, you are first to be in class. I'll see you later! "

I said with a smile and he returned the smile.

I walked to my class which was 604.

After school, I didn't see Cheng but I waited outside until everyone was out. I didn't want Cheng to be alone and I did tell him I was going to see him later.

Before all of the students got out I got grabbed by my arm and the person pulled me alongside them while walking. Then I finally got a glimpse of the person.

" Xinlong! What are you doing!! "

He stayed his cold way and continued walking.

" Did I do something?! "

He let out a feel sigh and held my arm with a tighter grip.

" Ouch Xinlong! That hurts!! "

I tried to loosen his grip but it was no use.

We walked past a park and I saw Aaron and Aaron saw me.

He chased me down and held my other arm.


He said surprisingly.

Xinlong turned around seeing him holding my arm and eyed him up and down.

"Who are you?!"

He said defensively.

"I'm Aaron and who are you taking Y/n?!"

"Well, Aaron I'm her boyfriend so I would recommend letting her go!"

Enemies To Lovers (Xinlong X Y/N)Where stories live. Discover now