Grr bab grill dottoes baby girl

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I'm so sorry I haven't been posting chapters! I had a very depressed/maniac episode and it stopped me from writing!<333
Here is more baby girl yes ik I'm spoiling you😘😘
At this moment I have this chapter named grr bab grill dottoes baby girl and have no intention of changing it
Ykw I'm just gonna type mwah😘 whenever I can
I hate him I hate him I hate him
Him and this Stupid fucking place. That shitty skirmisher and his irritating voice.
Why me?

This place I can't stand, it feels so ominous so breath hitching so... wrong.

My vision's blurry, that prick.

Once again, you were in the room you started in, this time though, a familiar scent of apples and iron, no, blood.


"Get up." A finger presses against your ankle firmly, sending a painful jolt through your leg. "Interesting how you were so desperate to die you jumped out a window 7 stories from the ground. You do know I worked on your legs for hours correct? dear, get up." Dottore growls.

"Fuck you." You say, reluctant to obey. The doctor grips your ankle, forcing you to wince in terrible pain.
"I'm not saying this again. Get up Y/n." Painfully, you lift your body up, your mind dizzy. The grinning madman pushes you in front of him, his razor blade sharp teeth flashing at your disgusted face.

"Don't touch me!" Your breath tightens along with your fists as Dottore's piercing stare examines your freezing back.

Limping forward, you fixate on the floor, the only solid thing you could rely on now or possibly ever now. Tearful, you take three, shaky deep breaths before turning your face towards him.

"Now you want see me Y/n?" He chuckles at your terrified expression and clenched fists

"What will you do to me?" Your question short and quiet to be met with silence louder than paimon who now that you think about it, you wished you could see again no matter how aggravating she was.
Dottore pauses before taking a breath.

"Depends, you know I could test all kinds of chemicals and drugs on you, I could also not let that happen and have you have your own room, maybe not die today, you tell me. Just depends on how you behave. So tell me, will you be good for me, Y/n?" He grins sharply at you, staring at your frightened expression and clenched jaw.

"I.." maybe you should run away again, anything is better than staying with this sicko, even death. "..fine Dottore." Tears well up in your soft eyes, making the doctor'a grin stretch to his ears.

"Wonderful! Are you thirsty?" He snarks, leaning over you with his chilling smile.

"Like I'd trust you with a drink." You remark rudely at him. Dottore, rolling his eyes, climbed off you to scribble unreadable notes or maybe reminders, it didn't matter, his eye were oddly wide, unblinking almost as his smile could tear the paper if he wanted.

You curled up against the arm of the couch you had woken up on, guilt pinging on you-what if your friends were dead without you? What if they thought you abandoned them? What if.. they replaced you? No.. what if he killed them?
This is all my fault, I did something to get his attention, but what was it? Whatever it was, you caused it, it was your fault to take, but it's not like I can just live here, I need to actually escape.

"Your room's ready Y/n, give me your arm." Dottore demanded of you, holding his hand out with a peach colored liquid filled needle in the other.
"To see my room?"
"What else? Give it." Reluctantly, you gave your arm with he forced the liquid into quickly which you winced at, giving him some sort of satisfaction before he roughly pushed you back against the couch. "I'll take you while you sleep, your welcome." His lips curled up.

And before you knew it, the world felt hazy like the day this started, burring and moving everywhere a...

Ten yards from the edge of starnartch cliff, a woman sobbed, her face buried into a 16 year old girl with blood stained, blonde hair and pale olive skin's cupped hands, tears rolling down her cheeks as she murmured to herself, voice breaking with each word.

"Why you..."

"Please.. sweetheart..."

"Should've been the other...."

The woman had rain soaked brunette hair and foggy eyes full of tears of rage and grief before slowly, her jaw clenched, turning her head to the other teen in a trance of neutrality and shock , her sad eyes now a swarming death glare.

"It should have been you. Never once have you done anything good for this family except get saved again and again, you have dishonored the L/n family, the disappointment!" Her voice sharp and louder than the boom of lightning in the distance of the storm as she slowly cornered her disappointment child.

"But mo-"
"NO. What have you done?! Letting your sister die? At least she brought family honor and worth unlike you!" The mothers sharp nails pointing at the problem. "You know what? You deserved to die since the. DAY. YOU. WERE. BORN. Maybe now this teach you you lesson you filthy good for nothing rat!" In those final moments she grabbed the Childers shoulders, making sure to dig her nails into their skin before forcefully pushing them down towards the bottom of the cliff.


It's not like I didn't know she hated me. Still, it hurt those words she said. But today was the day of my death and I had accepted it, I'm an abnormality, abnormalities always die, always. Maybe I'll break my head on the rocks, or I could land in the ocean and drown, the possibilities were endless. No one's life is fair, not mine, not mother's, not valene's, nobody's, but when I saw that icy blue vision, I knew life was rigged. Just a way to play theatre for gods, casting who ,rises, who falls, who chooses. Then I hit me-I hate the gods.

Something hit me again-the sand. Everything hurt, I was probally bleeding Inside as my mouth had blood spilling out of it. The last thing I saw before my rest was my eyesore of a vision.
"Fuck the gods." Before my consciousness dropped, my senses blurred hearing echoing.

"Now this finally got interesting!"
At this voice I whimpered.

Repetitive tapping on my shoulder basically stabbed me
"Y/n? God." I woke to dottore irritating me, my face covered in dried tears and sweat.

"GET AWAY FROM ME," you snapped at him rudely for him to innocently put his hands in the air "were you trying to remind m- kill me me!?"

Yummy backstory ig
I'm gonna stab you guyz <3

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