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A/N: So this is like the shortest prologue ever, about 700+ words, but I promise you that the chapters will be longer! Feedback/votes are always appreciated!


         He doesn’t like to think about it. It’s been years, maybe more, but it still sends shivers down his spine whenever the memories crawl back into his mind. It’s like tremors after an earthquake; the big catastrophe had already happened, but the aftershocks end up doing the most damage. Demons of all sorts still whisper inhuman thoughts in his ears while alone in bed at night. They bring along the feeling of big, rough hands pulling at his skin and teeth prying along his neck. Harry gets visited by these demons every night, a never-ending cycle of despair.

                He has to forget about it, he thinks, no one will believe such an atrocity. But the price of keeping this secret to himself has certainly been noticed by others. What once was a happy, easy-going teenager was now a part of the living dead. No longer were late night parties and hookups, but now were evenings alone with an orange bottle of sleeping pills and crap television. Bags constantly under Harry’s eyes, the boy flinches at the smallest hand gesture sent his way.

                And what’s worse is that his band mates were only seeing regression.

                Niall is the one who found him outside their hotel in the ally way, face bloodied up and covered in bruises. Clothing in rags, the boy seemed to be embarrassed and was crossing his arms over his stomach in shame..

                “..Harry?,” the Irish boy said cautiously, “we’ve been look’n for you all night, lad. Are you okay?”

Once Harry stepped into the light of the hotel sign, Niall gasped at his state of appearance.

                “Oh.. Harry..” He reached out to comfort the younger boy, only for him flinch away from his touch. “What has he done to you?”

                Niall could see pure fear in Harry’s eyes, like he didn’t even know who he was talking to. The only sign he was still responsive were the little whimpers coming from somewhere deep inside of him.

                “Harry, it’s me Nialler. Everything’s going to be okay.”

He finally looked up at the blonde haired boy with a glint of recognition in his eyes.

                “Niall…” he whimpered, “please.. j-just.. please just t-take me to my r-room..”

The older boy complied, and attentively reached out to lead the boy out of the cold night air and into the hotel lobby. Harry flinched again, but this time allowed his friend to touch him.  With a few strange looks from hotel guests and workers, they made their way up to the thirteenth floor. Harry started going towards his room when Niall grabbed his shoulder.

                “Nuh-uh, I don’t think so lad. You’re coming with me, and we’re talking about this as a band.”

                Harry whipped his head around, eyes wide. He started to breathe at a quickened pace, and subtly glanced at the hand tightly gripping his bruised shoulder. Niall, noticing this, quickly let the boy go.

                “C’mon, Harry.”

                Without touching the petrified boy, he took out his room key and led the way into he and Zayn’s hotel room, where everyone was having an up-beat ‘movie-night’.

                “It’s about time Niall, you’re missing the best part!”

                “Yea, too bad Harry’s out with that fucker of a boy—“ Zayn said before cutting off and glancing towards the doorway. “Shit mate.”

                With the exclamation, all three boys turned their heads and in a millisecond, happy expressions turned to confusion and sadness. At seeing this, the youngest boy of One Direction simply couldn’t take it anymore, and collapsed into a heap on the ground whilst sobbing. He didn’t know how long he was crying before he felt a hand on his cheek, caressing it.

                “Mate.. What happened?”

                Although recognizing his best friend Louis’ voice, he quickly backpedaled into the nearest wallpapered corner.

                “P-please… p-please d-don’t hurt me,” he sobbed. Louis looked back at him, utterly horrified at the suggestion.

                “Why in the hell would I hurt you, haz?” He asked in a strong voice. This only made the young boy sob harder.

                “I-I’m s-sorry Louis, d-don’t b-be m-mad.. please..” he managed to gasp between racks of sobs.

                “Hey, don’t yell mate, he’s clearly upset.”

                “Well, what the fuck is this, Niall, care to explain?”

                “We don’t know, Louis. Obviously none of us do. He was supposed to be out with Ni—“

                All of a sudden, causing jumps from the four boys around him, Harry jumped up and ran out of the room. He ran until he reached his own room and slammed and locked the door behind him. No, no. They must never no.

                “If you ever tell anyone I did this, Haz, I will come after you.”

                “And I’ll Kill You.”

I Will Find You (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now