Chapter 2-Earthquake

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A/N: So this is a lot of backround info before I continue with the story. This will help you guys understand what is going on in Harry’s mind as the plotline progress’s. As always, enjoy and feedback is always appreciated! **warnings** rape/abuse in this chapter. If you are not comfortable with it, do NOT read.

                Harry first met Nick at one of the band’s very first interviews. Harry was 16 and he was 22. Obviously, it wasn’t any normal relationship and nobody really expected it to happen the way it did. Flirty glances were exchanged whilst doing the interview and Nick seemed to constantly go out of his way to swing every question back to Harry.

                “So, Harry. We all know that Niall’s single… but are you seeing anyone at the mo? A dashing young lad like you shouldn’t be single for long.”

                And that was that. After the finishing questions, Nick pulled Harry aside and asked him out.

Their relationship started out like any other; late night phone calls, romantic dates out on the town. Whenever having to explain the unusual relationship to anyone else, he simply stated “It was meant to be”. Slowly falling deeper and deeper in love with the older man, he pulled away from his four best friends. He blew of many ‘boy’s nights out’ for romantic dinners at home with the love of his life. If explained with physics, Nick was the sun to Harry’s earth.

                Very gradually, things… started to change.

                It started very subtly, not even arising concern in the naïve boy’s thoughts. Nick would pick out clothes for Harry, telling him what to wear. Once, he snuck over he and Louis’ flat to give Harry a ‘surprise’. All old clothes carelessly thrown in the dumpster lining their flat, Nick had bought him a whole new wardrobe. It consisted of baggy jumpers, beanies, and skinny jeans made to fit a stickman.       

                “Don’t you love me? I thought I’d do you a favor, you know. You don’t look good in those fit t-shirts… too much of a tummy on you! The only good thing about you is your legs!” With a kiss to the young boy’s forehead, he added, “Don’t worry, love. With a few trips to the gym and some diet pills, we’ll get you back into those t-shirts in no time!”

                Well, ‘no time’ ended up being longer than expected.

                With extra trips to the gym and endless hours spent with Nick, Harry hardly saw his four best friends at all. He felt a special tug at his heart for Louis, the boy he had grown closest with. When sharing his concerns with his boyfriend, he immediately grew aggressive.

                “Are you saying you love him more than me? I thought I meant more to you, Harry. You know no one else will love you like I do. If you hate me so much, just leave. You disgust me, sometimes.”

                Heart broken, Harry begged for forgiveness, even getting on his knees in front of the man. Nick relented eventually, but forced at least six diet pills down his throat as punishment.

                A few months later, Harry was sixteen pounds lighter and had a whole new attitude on life. Food and meals no longer held priority in the boy’s life. Frequent skipped plans with his band mates occurred more often than not for trips to the gym… But this wasn’t impressing Nick in the slightest.

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