chapter 2

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Morning came and Isabella was shocked to be woke up by a repetitive knock on her door. She rolled out of bed putting a black hoodie over her pyjama shorts. The door knocked again and she was almost startled. She unlocked the door and turned around as she opened it and went to the kitchen, beginning to pour a cup of coffee before realising that the person who followed her in wasn't aria as she expected, but leaning against a wall quietly stood the mysterious Daryl Dixon. Again, he was just staring at her with a small smirk tugging slightly at the corner of his lips.

Isabella giggled a little out of embarrassment but just offered Daryl a drink, which he politely accepted as he walked over to the small kitchen table, taking a seat. As Isabella sat down she looked at him awaiting a reason as to why he was at her apartment.
"What are you doing here?" She questioned while he slowly took a sip from his mug. He looked up from the table, confused.
"Aria said she called, she didn't?"
Isabella shook her head standing up
"I only just woke up she might have called let me go check" she trotted over to her bedroom and came back with her phone which suddenly started ringing.
"That's probably her right now" she states bluntly before answering the call.

Daryl sat there deep in thought as he watched Isabella pace around the kitchen, in her own world as she spoke on the phone. He snapped out of his trance when she started walking towards him holding the phone out saying merle wanted to talk. Daryl took the phone and went about his low voiced conversation with Merle and handed the phone back in a matter of seconds.
"Merle don't want me back yet. Only came to drop off the keys" he stated as he picked up his helmet from near the door.
"Yeah... they told me that can stay a little longer if you like" Isabella offered as he was placing the keys down and striding towards the door.
"I brought a spare helmet you coming?" He spoke out as if he hadn't been listening at all.
"Where are we going?"
"So you are coming then? Daryl answered in a slightly surprised tone.

When Isabella got outside Daryl was sat on his bike with his helmet on, one on the seat behind him and a cigarette held between his lips. She had changed into a pair of baggy jeans and got a slightly less baggy hoodie than before. Daryl watched as she half skipped towards his bike and pulled the helmet over her head then when she climbed on the back he dropped the last of his cigarette on the floor and knocked the motorbike off it's stand. He waited a couple seconds before turning towards Isabella.
"Your gonna have to hold on a bit better than that sunshine" he chuckled slightly and put Isabella's arms around his waist. She could feel him tense a little when she tightened her grip but she brushed it off when he put one of his hands over hers to brace for him starting.

**Half an hour later**
Daryl had been quiet and focused on the road the whole time, briefly touching her hands with the most gentle stroke every now and then to insure Isabella was okay. They where on a little dirt road and there where trees surrounding the small path. After another five minutes Isabella realised they where on the edge off a forest and Daryl was pulling into a driveway.
"Did I just agree to get kidnapped Mr Dixon? " She asked as he helped her off the bike. He looked at her for a second with an unreadable expression on his face before it slowly grew into a small grin and quicker than Isabella could tell what was happening he had lifted her up over his shoulder and was walking up towards the front door of an idyllic wooden cottage. Daryl carefully put her down by the door and looked at Isabella to see that she wasn't smiling,though he wasn't sure what her expression read.
" 'm sorry I picked ya up if it wasn't okay" he spoke with his voice low and his thick Georgia accent broke through more than before. She look at him and slowly a big smile came through and her big green eyes seemed to glisten in the sunlight peering through the trees.
"No don't worry about it you didn't do anything wrong" she giggled causing a small innocent smirk to pull on Daryl's lips.
"C'mon I'll show show ya around" he said picking her up over his shoulder a second time and opened the door, not putting her dow until he had shown her the whole downstairs area.

Daryl made coffee for them both while Isabella looked around upstairs where the bedroom and second bathroom was. She stepped off the last stair and excitedly sat on a chair in the kitchen.
"Is this place yours?" She questioned with awestruck eyes.
"It was my dad's, gave it to merle but merle never comes out here, I use it when I go hunting."he looked at her waiting for her face to change and it did.
"Why did you bring me up here?" Isabella stood up and walked to stand across from where Daryl was standing. She looked at him while he looked down to the floor thinking about something.
"If you wanna go home it's fine I'll take ya.." he mumbled bringing his accent out again."was gonna go hunting today n you seem like good company... better than merle anyway-" he was cut off by Isabella.
"I don't wanna go home yet, show me what you hunt with Mr Dixon"
"Stop calling me that" he grumbled. Isabella noted that something in his eyes change when she calls him that and he definitely liked to be called Mr Dixon, however she decided to do as she was told for now and followed him outside to a big shed.

Daryl unlocked the shed door and went inside, taking off his leather jacket, hanging it up then picking up a crossbow and some bolts. He put them on the ground outside and went back in. This time when he came out he had two hunting knives in one hand and in the other hand he had a worn out backpack which he passed to Isabella. He put the knives in Thier place on either side of his hips and put his crossbow over his shoulder. He started pacing towards the woods before remembering he wasn't on his own this time and slowed down a little more so he was walking next to Isabella.
Nobody spoke yet and Isabella thought it was very peaceful but Daryl's mind was in a different place. That place was a dangerous place because he had never thought about somebody the same way he thought about Isabella. He actually cared about her and although he had only met her once before, he knew he liked her more than just a shitty one night stand with no call. He wanted her to be more than that but he didn't know if she felt the same way.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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