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Mike's POV

While Mike and Will were waiting for the party, the phone suddenly rang.

They looked at eachother before walking out of the room, down the stairs.

Will walked over to the phone and answered the phone.

"Hello?" Will said.

"Hello, with Karen Wheeler here. Is Mike at yours." Will looked over to Mike before Mike nodded and looked down. Tears already forming. He knew what was going to happen and he was not ready for it.

"Yes, he's here." Will answered

"Okay, good can you tell him to go home? Now?" Karen asked.

"Yes, I will. Bye" Will said.

"Bye" Karen answered before Will hung up.

"You have to go" Will said in a tone to kind of comfort him.

"Yep, I heard I guess I'll go then" Mike said before walking over to Will and giving him a hug.

"It'll be alright, call me when something is wrong alright." Will told Mike.

"Yeah I will." Mike said pulling away from the hug before walking to the front door.

"I can bike with you?" Will asked.

"No, it's okay, you have to wait for the party" Mike said.

"Oh okay, be safe, bye" Will said in a sad tone giving Mike a wave.

"Bye" Mike said before closing the front door.

He walked over to his bike. Hands shaking. His eyes were already tearing up.

"It'll be okay, it'll be okay" Mike whispered to himself while hopping on his bike to his house.

When he was biking thoughts came rushing over his head.

When he arrived home he parked his bike in the garage before walking to the front door with a shaky breath.

He opened the front door, being welcomed with shouting.


"I don't know" Mike answered quietly, not wanting to cause any more trouble.

He tried to walk past his parents to his room before he got pulled back by his sleeve.

"You're not going anywhere." Ted began.

"O- okay" Mike answered.

Mike tried to go to his room.

"MIKE, COME HERE." Ted shouted for no reason.

Mike slowly walked over to his dad.


Mike gave a confused look to his dad before answering.

"Leave me alone" Mike answered trying to walk away again.

"LISTEN HERE YOU LITTLE SHIT" Ted began while he grabbed Mike's upper arm and held him so tight it could form a bruise.

Mike was trying not to cry. He looked very shocked at his dad.

"YOUR NEVER GOING TO HIS EVER AGAIN" Ted shouted in Mike's face. Mike had enough.

"WHAT THE HELL DAD" Mike shouted back.



"THIS IS IT TALK ONCE MORE AND I'LL KILL YOU" Ted shouted still holding Mike

"Try me" Mike confidently spoke. Thinking his dad wasn't speaking the truth.

In no time Ted's hand were around Mike's neck. Slowly grabbing it tighter and tighter.

"Dad... I.. can't... breath.." Mike tried to speak gripping on his dad's hands tried to push him away

Nothing stopped him the grip was to tight and Karen was just watching with a shocked expression.

Mike looked over to the left side of Ted. His own Mother looking at him. Not doing anything.

He looked over to the other side.

Holly. She looked terrified. Tears in her eyes. Mike felt terrible for leaving her. But she never get these problems.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Holly asked quietly.

Karen quickly grabbed Holly and took her upstairs.

Mike was very close at passing out. He tried to think of a way to get away. That's it.

Mike pulled his knee up hitting his father right between his legs. The grip loosened while Ted was folding his body to ease the pain.

Mike got away from the grip and ran up the stairs. He went inside the bathroom locking the door as fast as possible. He walked over to the toilet seat and sat down before he broke down.

His mind was gone and at a moment he was not in the bathroom anymore with his mind just in his own thoughts.

After about 15 minutes he came back to the real life. Not laying down not sitting. He was standing at the sink.

With a razor blade in his hand. Mike was so confused why he had a razor blade in his hand. He didn't realise his arm full with cuts and blood. The sink to.

The looked at himself in the mirror. Puffy eyes. He pulled up his arm to reach for his hair when he finally saw his arm in the mirror. Mike panicked. No way he did this, right? Mike looked down at the sink. Immediatly cleaning it.

He grabbed the first aid kit and opened it. He looked inside of it. He had no idea how to use it.

He touched his arm, but immediatly took his hand away from the pain.

"How do I fix this?" Mike thought.

"Will" Mike immediately thought. He knew how to use a first aid kit.

He slowly unlocked the door and walked over to his room. He changed his shirt since it was covered in blood. He grabbed the first long sleeved shirt. Put it on before he opened his window and climbed out of it.

He jumped down in the grass. He walked over the garage to grab his bike.

He hopped on it as fast as he could biked to Wills house.

Halfway to Wills house, he finally realised what he put on. A white long sleeved shirt. How stupid.

The sleeves were already covered in blood. There were no bikes of the party there. Oh how much Mike hoped that Will was home and not to the arcade or something.

He knocked on the door fingers crossed that Will will open the door and not Joyce.

The door slowly opened.


Finally I have time to write this again. Anyways I asked something in my conversations on my profile. I didn't get any responds. Please answer them. Hope you still enjoy. Next chapter very soon. (I mixed my own trauma in this, not saying what tho)

Word count: 1060

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