°chapter 9: Bonding ° part 2

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Tw: Mention of blood, mention/hinting of animal death,

꧁Philza's pov꧂

As I lead techno outside in the back yard I shut the back door and turn to techno who had already let go of my hand

" ok you said you want to talk about last night right " I asked and received a nod from techno

Techno took a beep breath " I....I want to apologize about what you saw last night " he said not make eye contact with me " and...and I understand if you don't want me to stay because of it " he said his voice sounding so small

" techno..." I said not sure what to say did he really think I would kick him out

" I just wanted to apologize and ask that you keep ranboo please he...he can't go back to the orphanage " Techno said as tears started to form

Seeing this I quickly give techno a hug he was not expecting " techno hon I'm not going to give you or ranboo back to the orphanage you're a part of my family now " I said my voice low and as soft as I can get it

" but I'm just a danger to you and your family " techno said  " no you're not hon " I said pulling back to see Techno's face which was covered in tears

" I just need to know what happened you said something about voices being loud last night whats that about " I asked rubbing technos arm

Techno just looked at the ground refusing to look at me " ok....but you have to promise me you won't think I'm crazy " techno said fiddling with his fingers his long tail raping around my wrist

" of course techno nothing you say will make me think differently of you " I said with a soft smile and wiping his tears way

" ok....uhmm I have voices in my head I lot of them and they sometimes  demand things from me but the main thing they demand is.........b-blood " techno said his tail tightening around my wrist

" do they demand anything else from you " I asked softly

" no they mostly demand blood and I didn't want to hurt you or anyone in the house so I went outside " techno said his voice starting to shake " and thats when I saw the raccoon and......"
Techno stop as tears well up in his eyes again

" its ok techno you don't have to continue " I said pulling techno in a another hug " thank you for telling me this the next time something like that happens you come find me ok " I said rubbing technos back

" but I don't want to hurt you " techno said his voice being muffled as he pressed his face into my chest

" You're not going to hurt me " I said as I spread my wings out and wrapped them around techno blocking him out from the rest of the world " how do you know that " techno said " I just do now let's get back inside before everyone else wakes up " I said pulling back my wings so they rest on my back

" do you want to help me make breakfast? " I asked " yeah sure " techno said wiping the rest of the  tears off his face

" ok come on let's go " I said taking  his hand and leading him back inside


Sorry this took so long to come out I haven't been feeling myself lately but I felt bad for not posting so here you go

I don't really like this chapter but thats whatever as long as you guys like it thats makes me happy

Anyways hope you enjoyed


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