Welcome to Beach City

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The beach city boardwalk was full of happy smiling families, and friends having a day out. The brisk air was a refreshing cool down in the summer heat. School had just let out for summer, the possibilities were endless. But romance was the only thing on a listless teen's mind. But how he would deliver on this plan was beyond him. He would be spending most of his summer stuck in a donut shop. He watched as several Uhals road past the shop followed by two cars. A ford 150 and a honda civic. The honda parked in the small parking lot.

He groaned loudly meaning he would be getting a customer to serve. "Come on cheer up Lars only two more hours until we close shop" He rolled his eyes sitting up straight and trying his best to look "Presentable." A dark skin girl with a fro poked her head in the door. "Hey, are dogs allowed in here?" She asked with a slight chuckle. "I'm sorry no ma'am." She's shoved hard into the shop almost toppling over a wet floor sign. "If you don't get in the store it's hot." She laughed hysterically at the boy, trying her best to recompose herself. "No you can't be here haha dogs aren't allowed ow."

She was punched roughly on her side but as far as Lars could tell she didn't mind. "Just for that, I get to pick the donuts we get. "Hello I'm Seidy what can I get for you?" A short blonde-haired girl asked. The dark-skinned teen had seen something she liked. Slowly she approached the contour, leaving her brother to order the treats. "Woah is that a hot chocolate machine!" She practically yelled stary-eyed. Lars nodded, he was taken aback by this before they walked out the door. "Well, they seem nice." "mhm," Lars nodded resting his head on his hand. It had been a while since beach city had gotten a new residence. Maybe it was about time he reinvented himself.

"Daddy look we got donuts?" She opened the box to several bear claws. One of her father's favorites. "Set them inside we can eat them later also don't forget to brush your teeth please!" The dentist reminded while pulling a box out of the truck. The home was bigger than their last one, painted a brilliant yellow with a nicely kept garden out front. You would have to assume that the one's before you took great joy in the beauty the garden held. The door opened with a soft creek.

Jasper smiled upon seeing the home. The blinds pulled shut letting small streams of light trickle into the foyer. The home smelled of sandalwood. She crossed to the kitchen, sat the box on the contour, and pulled the blinds open. "This is home" she whispered into the empty home as if trying to reassure herself. The move took hours, she was exhausted. She lay on the floor of her new room. Staring at the slanted ceiling. Similar to her home in Chicago.

A small knock came on the door. "Come in," she said sitting upright. She fluffed her hair as the door was pushed open. "The neighbors from across the street invited us to dinner. Dad told me to come to get you." She nodded while stretching her arms above her head, waiting until a loud pop rang into the space. "I'll be down quickly." That was a lie. Why was this a thing neighbors did? The rush of anxiety of not knowing rather shake hands or give a hug. To say hello or go for the more casual hi. Not to mention if you have to ask to pet their pets and god forbid that they have "weird kids". Jasper shook her head lacing up her white converse. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad. She was blowing things out of scale. Her heavy footsteps shook the stairs as she came down to her brother and father already standing out the bottom tightening up their appearances.

She grabbed her purse hanging in the closet, and a small crinkle from all the rappers and candy she had hidden inside earned her an eye roll from her brother. "I swear you need to clean that thing out." He wrapped his arm around hers before walking out the door. "I did clean it, I just eat a lot." She said in less than a whisper. The skies had turned a light pinkish-orange tint. This truly was a "beach city" maybe one day she would have the chance to "sneak out" and watch the sunset. They slowly walked up the steps to the big white house. It was huge. Jasper hadn't taken the chance to look around the neighborhood yet. She stared in awe at the two-story home.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 11, 2022 ⏰

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