Chapter 4

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When they found the ruined decorations for a second time, Adrian was in school.

He was sitting at the desk when they all walked in, staring quietly at the wall, not quite meeting their eyes, but never looking away.

"Yo – dude!" Nino ran up to him immediately – then glanced back at the ruined decorations – then back to him. "What happened? Did you see who did it?"

"No." The boy folded his hands demurely across his lap.

Marinette saw him swallow. Saw his adam's apple bob in its throat.

She'd texted him last night, to no reply.

"Again, class – all the windows and doors were locked, no one could have got in!" Ms Bustier tried desperately to get the class under control like last time, but they were having none of it.

"What about the window?"

"We have to start all over again?"

"This is ridiculous! Utterly ridiculous!"

"It has to be Chloe!"

"It was not!"

Marinette just stood, watching the only person who was also silent. How was he so calm, so unaffected? She thought of that manic, unpredictable Adrian of yesterday, the one who'd fidgeted outside the classroom and bolted after she'd tried to say hello. This new one, however different, seemed just as frightening to her.

"Why don't we work on something other than decorations for a while." Ms Bustier suggested, when they'd all finally run out of steam. The class simply nodded back, and slunk to their desks, defeated. No one had got anything out of the argument this time except for sore throats.

"I'm sorry this has happened."

There was a grumble of dissent.

"And now this is for a second time, I will be alerting the headmaster.

"These are school resources being wasted. The person who has done this will suffer serious consequences."

There was silence, as people looked around the room, searching for a twitch, a glance – anything that might betray guilt.

"We have two days left."

Marinette inhaled – they wouldn't get everything ready in two days! Judging by the dismayed faces around the room, it didn't seem anyone else felt they had much chance either. It wouldn't be much of a party without decorations or food.

"I know you might think this impossible – but if we work hard, and together..." Ms Bustier looked around the room, but was met with unconvinced looks.

"You know." She paused. "Maybe it would be better to just cancel the party. We've met so many challenges, and you're obviously not – "

"WHAT?" Chloe bolted upright, much to the surprise of everyone in the room. Of all the children, she had been the one who seemed least excited over the party, barely lifting a finger with the food or crafts.

Not that it mattered anymore, Marinette reasoned. All their work was once again victim to the mystery Grinch.

"We can't not have a Christmas party!" She pursed her glossy lips, and fluffed her hair for effect. "Not after the year we've had!"

The class looked around, the air suddenly filling with a collective curiosity at Chloe's big speech. Mylene was next to rise.

"Whoever did it..." Her lips trembled. "I don't care why. But you won't ruin this for us."

"Let's do it!" Rose squeaked, and jumped up, pulling Juleka by the hand to the front. "We're going to make an even better invite, you'll see!"

"And I'll guard the classroom!" Kim leapt to his feet, the idea immensely appealing. "Don't worry Chloe, I'll keep you safe!"

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