Are You Afraid?

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I hear the screams of a little boy coming from downstairs. Do I dare go see what's wrong? Or do I stay in my bedroom? As I open the creeky door, into the pitch black hallway I go. As I try to turn on the lights, they flickered on and off. I knew the little boy needed my help. He was in a room full of darkness by his self. Of course I had to go get him. I wished I would have stayed in my room. If wouldnt have went to confort his screams of help, I would be alive today.



I look around to see what time it was. 7:23. I barely made it up in time to go to school. I had almost everything I ever wanted. From clothes to electronics. I wasn't like an average child. I made average grades, I had fun friends, I had a great boyfriend and the worst parents ever. They expected me to have all A's, no friends, and definitely no boyfriend. As I got up and took a quick shower, I proceeded to do my hair, makeup and get breakfast quickly. I turned around and checked the clock again. It was barely hitting 7:45, I wasn't late, but it was time for me to be leaving. I was so excited to tell my friends about the new job I just earned the weekend before. "Im Ready!" As I called out to my mom. She was in her room still asleep. I went into her room and flicked the lights. "HELLO?!" As I yelled to her. She squirmed and moved around. "Im coming." she says. "Go start the car." I take the keys and start the car. She was just walking out the door with her hair tied up into a ponytail. She had on pajamas and a light jacket. I went into the passenger side of the car and put on my seatbelt. She looked over at me and mumbled under her breathe. I knew she was saying something about me. I just looked out the window to keep myself from saying something back to her. It was 6 minutes for her to drop me off to school. As I walked into the warm building, I was greeted by teachers saying "Good Morning". As I smiled and greeted them back. I walked down the hallway filled with all types of teenagers on every corner of our school. There were the goody goodies , the bad asses, the artistic ones, the funny ones, the ones everyone knew of, the squares, and then there are my friends. The cocky ones. I had a medium size group of friends. I was close with some of them. Every time I walked in the door each day, I was greeted with a hug. This time , it was like a flock of birds that were swarming towards me, like I was a piece of bread. "HEY!" Aranna said to me, as she hugged me tightly, forcing my earbuds out my ear. I smiled super hard, we've been best friends since the 8th grade. "Omg no Aranna, you didn't give me a hug!" Markya screamed. We were like three peas in a pod , the three of us. If Aranna wasn't there, Markya was there for me as much as she was. "No, no, see what happened was" Aranna turned and looked at Markya. Markya laughed and walked away as Natasha and Tamia walked in. "Hey Marshon" as they said in unison. "Hey!" I said and gave them both hugs. I looked around in confusion and wondered. "Hey Nat do you know where Tayl- AHHH!" I fell laughing as my friend Taylor jumped on my back and fell on top of me. My other close friend, Desneria was behind me laughing at Taylor. "Taylor what are you doing?" Desneria asked. "Im playing kangaroo!" Taylor replied. "That really hurt Taytor Tot!" I yelled at her. It was 8:14, almost time to go to class. I looked down each end of the hallway , it was getting emptier by the minute. "Hey have you guys seen Lamar?" I turned around and see all my friends running down the hallway screaming. I laughed at them. I wasn't going to run after them. Besides, I have someone to look for.

I walked down the empty hallway. It was so quiet that you could drop a small pin and hear an echo. I knew I seen him today. I decide to forget about it and just to go to downstairs to my class. I walked down the cold stairs and looked inside the Gym windows. It was pitch black and the door was wide open. I checked my cellphone. No service. "This is great" I thought. Everything is getting weirder and weirder. I walked into the dark Gym and tried to find the light switch. I turned on the flashlight on my phone and looked at the walls. There wasn't one light switch at all. "Maybe its one on the other side of the Gym" I thought. I put a hard book in between the doors to keep it from locking and closing. As I walked into the gym of pure darkness and a flashlight light around me, I ran to find the light switch. "There it is" I said. As I put my hand on the light switch, "BOOM!". The doors were shut. I hear footsteps, running. I looked around and panicked. I ran as fast as I could, hearing the footsteps run even faster, and get even closer. I ran towards the door and tried to open it. It was locked from the outside. The footsteps came closer, then suddenly stopped. I dropped my phone and my screen went black. As I bent over to pick it up, something pulled my legs from under me. Dragging me under the bleachers. I kicked and screamed and fought for my life. I was terrified. How would you feel if something was dragging you under cold bleachers, in a pitch black gym? It turned me onto my back and held my mouth with its hand. "Shhhhh" it said. It was a guy's voice. I recognized it, but I was too scared to say anything. I thought this was the end of my life. He got on top of me and pinned my hands down. "Stop fighting, its me babe." He said to me. I grabbed my phone and turned on the flashlight. I shined it in his face and it was my boyfriend , Lamar. "You scared the hell out of me, you know." I told him in anger. "Im sorry baby, really, I am." He told me. I crossed my arms and looked at him. "You cant stay mad at me forever" He told me. "Watch me." I said. He started to kiss me and hold my hands. I looked at him and smiled. "Fine, you win." "I told you" he said back to me. "Yeah yeah" I went to turn on the lights, as he held me close to him. "Don't you suppose to be in class?" I asked him. "Why cant I spend time with you?" He asked me. "I cant today, I have a new babysitting job today after school, ill meet up with you tomorrow night, ok?" I told him. "Alright , I love you" He held me and kissed me and turned and walked out of the Gym to his class. "Love you too."

Lunch time coming around. I headed out of my classroom , watching the hallways fill with chaos and hungry, horny teenagers. I joined my circle of friend, we all walk together, talking about scary movies. "Hands down, that movie was the scariest" Aranna said. "But I thin-" "OMG I SMELL FOOD" Tamia yelled and interrupted me. "Shut yo fat ass up Tamia" Markya yelled and laughed. We only had 30 minutes to eat at 1st lunch. And you know how those lines get. We waited for almost 15 minutes to get our food and get to our table. We had mixed up conversations and made silly faces and acting crazy like freshman do. Just live for the moment. "What are you doing after school?" Desneria asked. "Twitter" Markya replied. Taylor was just staring and eating her apple. Aryanna just drank her milk. "I have a new babysitting job" I replied. "Tonight I'm babysitting this kid named Chris Jones, he seems like a good kid, its gonna be a piece of cake". The bell for first lunch to end rang. We dismissed ourselves to class. "Two classes left" I thought. But who knew that those two classes would be my last? Who knew that that was the last time I would see my friends? Who knew?

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