Are You Afraid? Pt. 2

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But who knew that those two classes would be my last? Who knew that that was the last time I would see my friends? Who knew?



So far, its been a good day. As I think about everything I have in my life, everything is good, except my parents. "Class, we have a project, this is due-" I zone out as my teacher speaks. I have my mind on other things. My boyfriend, my future, my music, my life. I look at my teacher and look at the clock. Its 3:25 and shes giving a project that she knows I'm not going to do. I pack my things and jam my earphones in my ear. I turn the volume all the way up and zone out of reality for a while. "Afternoon Announce-". The intercom is on. I can hear the squeaky voices of seniors talking about tomorrow. Like we actually listen? We're just ready to go home. I laugh at myself silently. The bell rings minutes later, as I open the door, the hallways fill up with whining loud Freshmans. I go over to Aranna's locker. "Hey text me afterwards ok?" I tell her. She nods her head and heads for the bus. "Wtf?" I think to myself. I walk down the hallway and give my friends hugs. "Bye!" I yell at them. Just as I push the door open, I feel a pull at my waist. I turned around and punched the person, who happens to be Lamar. "Oh my gosh you scared me" I told him. "Oh so no goodbye hug or kiss??" He looks at me. I smile and kiss him. I hugged him really tightly, it was a moment you could never forget. "I love you, text me okay?" I tell him. "Love you too, ill text you." He replied and smiled. He held my hand until I pulled away. I knew he didn't want to see me walk away, I didnt want to see him go home, away from me. As I rode the bus home, I stared out the window thinking about him. It was the only time in my life that I thought about anything else than my music. I guess he was special? I dropped my things off my house and laid in my bed. I charged my phone up and heated up a Hot Pocket. I only had a hour until it was time for me to babysit Chris. I was home alone, my parents were gone to Florida. for some reason, I was glad that my parents were gone. I turned up some of my music, and took a hot shower. As more and more time passed , I got dressed and ready to go over Chris's parents house. His parents should be waiting on me. His house was 3 blocks away from mine. You might say that isn't a long way, but to me thats a lot of work. As I walked over to the house, I thought and planned ways to entertain him. Board games , Xbox , PS3 , maybe hide and seek. I knocked on the door to their house and waited for an answer. But it looks like I got some things I wasn't expecting. His parents had three bags packed, like they were going away for a while. "Hello, Marshon. I set everything up for you." Mrs. Jones had a dark look in her eyes, but I didn't say anything about it. "The numbers are on the Fridge, he's done with dinner, if you need anything just call." She told me. I looked around, the house was very big, but it felt like someone or something was watching you. "When will you be coming back?" I heard silence in the house. "Mrs. Jones?" I turned around and she was gone. "I guess she was in a hurry." I thought to myself. As I listened closely , I could hear a t.v. on upstairs. "Chris!" I called out. "Do you want to play a game?" I heard children giggling, maybe he had friends over. I walked slowly up the slightly creaky stairs. "Chris?" "What?!" I turned around towards the bottom of the stairs and see Chris with a confused face. "Weren't you just upstairs with your friends? I heard you guys giggling." I asked him. "Friends? No one is here but me. Are you ok?" He had a worried look on his face. I was getting scared. I know what I heard , I'm not crazy. But I decided to forget about it.

He walked into the living room and started to play Call Of Duty. I got kind of hungry , so I walked into the kitchen and looked inside the cabinets. I eyed my favorite snack , Nacho Cheese Doritos . "YESS!" I thought in my head. I opened the Fridge to see if they had any Dill Pickle slices. Nothing is the best snack than Doritos and Pickles. I looked around really slowly from the unfamiliar Fridge. I felt a cold breeze behind me. I looked up slowly and turned around. There was nothing there. I closed the refrigerator and went back to get the chips off the cabinet. Suddenly, the cold breeze flowed slowly across my face. I felt my hair on the back of my neck stand up. "Must be the air" I thought. I got a cup, and filled it with Orange Juice. The aroma of the juice filled my nostrils. I heard the scatter of paper in the room behind me. "Don't look , Don't look" I said to myself. "Its nothing" . The thoughts of terror filled my head. But just as I thought things couldn't get any worse, the cold breeze felt like it was right on my shoulder. I turned my head slightly, I could hear someone or something breathing. It made slow and steady breathes. "GET OUT" It was the most scariest thing I have ever experienced. I dropped my glass of Orange Juice and ran into the living room. It sounded like a man, a demon. It was angry, and it didn't want me here. I wanted to leave, but where was I going to go? How could I survive this night? I didn't want to believe it, but it was something wrong with this house. Its something in this house. It doesn't want me here. I feel so terrified, my life is in danger, and I believe Chris is in danger. "Uh Chris... Do you feel like its something in this house?" I looked around and over to him. He wasn't paying attention to me. He was focused on the game. "He has something planned for you. They don't want you here." Chris turned and looked at me. His eyes were pitch black. "What did you say?" I asked him in a terrified voice. He ignored me. I decided that whatever happened wasn't real. As I watched him play, I suddenly dozed off on the couch. It wasn't long that I woke up. I woke up from a bad dream I had. I had a dream that something was out to get me. I woke up sweating and crying. The whole house was dark, except for a candle that was lit on top of the staircase. I got up and turned on my flashlight on my cellphone. "Wheres Chris?" I thought to myself. "Chris!" I called out. Silence. No response. Who would put a candle right in the middle of the staircase? What was he talking about when he said they don't want me here.... Who are THEY? "Maaarrrshonnn" . The door to the basement opened and creaked slowly. I heard spirits whisper my name. I ran up the stair and threw the candle at the basement door. "FUCK YOU! LEAVE ME ALONE!" I screamed. I ran into the master bedroom. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I heard a moan coming from the room next door. I opened the door and peeked into the hallway. I looked harder to see what was in the distance. It was Chris. I grabbed my flashlight and shined it in the crack of the door. "Chris" I whispered. He had his back towards me. "Chris come to me, its not safe!" He slowly turned around. He was crouched down, and he looked at me. His eyes were black, and filled with darkness. He grinned at me. His teeth were sharp, and had black residue on them. He cocked his head and moved it from side to side. "Chris?" He shook his head from side to side .. As I realized, it wasn't Chris.. "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" He crawled faster than lightning towards the door. I slammed the door and locked it. He tried to attack me! The door shook like an earthquake was taking place, and suddenly stopped. And as I retrieved my phone, and turned up the brightness , I shined the light around the room. You wont believe what I saw ... It was a boney, black figure, standing in the corner of the room. With piercing red eyes. Floating.

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