Merida's new hairstyle

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*at the living room*
All except Jack: *sleeping on the couch*
Jack: *placing each one of us on random positions*
Positions: Mericcup cuddling each other,Punz is upside down and on the sofa, Elsa, Laney and Anna is wrapped in Punzie's hair, Amiro is on top of each other..o.o

Jack: *grabs a horn* *blows it, makes the loudest noise evah*
All except Jack: *shots up* *startled* *shouts cause their in weird positions*
Bo: *punches Hiro*
Hiro: Owwwww!!
Bo: Oh sorry...wait, why are you on top of me?
Hiro: I don't know but I knew I slept in my room last night....*blushing*
Elsa, Anna and Laney: *struggling to get out of Punzie's hair*
Punzie: Ow! Ow! Ow! *hair being pulled by 3 girls*
Hic: *falls down the sofa* Hey!! What gives?!
Mer: How'd we get here?!
Jack: *laughing his butt off* XD
Olaf: Jack did it!!
Epic 8: *gives Jack the Ultimate Death Glare*
Jack: *falls down,scared* Stop!! Its Freaking me out!!!
Epic 8: *about to attack Jack* *hears a notification in wattpad, stops*
Mer: *checks it* *shocked* O.O No just no.....
Punz: *gets the phone using her hair* *reads* "I dare Merida to braid her hair like Elsa" ~calyxxrudyver
Hic: New Hairstyle for Mer!! *laughs*
Mer: *punches his arm, Hard* I have only one Hairstyle, Haddock!!
Hic: *groaning in pain* Just Do the Dare Already!!!
Anna: *pushes Mer to the Vanity Room* Go In There!!!
Rap: *gives Mer a brush* You might need that...
Bo: Bye Mer!! *all leaves the room*
After 5 hours...
Hic: Hey, its been 5 hours since we sent her to that room...maybe she's done
Jack: Oh yeah...we locked the door.
Anna: I got the keys!!! *holds a set of bone keys?!*
Elsa: Uh Anna, are you sure that's the key to the Vanity room?? *points to the bone key*
Bo: Yep
Punz: Your not Anna...
Bo: Just Pretending to Be ;)
Anna: Okaayy...yes this is the key to the vanity room, look *points to the label*
Bo: *as a reporter* The Queen is now proven wrong...
Laney: *cameraman/cameragirl? Nvm* And Done!!
Hiro: Uh...What are you two doing?
Bo: A little documentary ;D
Hiro: Weird...
Bo: Shut up Brainiac -_-"
Hiro: *gives her the death glare*
Bo: *brings it back too*
Rap: Guys stop it let's just open the door...
Amiro: Fiiiiiinnneee......*glares at each other*
Anna: *unlocks the room*
??: *comes out* Hey Guys!! So what do you think??
Jack: *passes out*
Elsa: *catches him* I'll bring him in his room *awkwardly leaves*
Hic: M-merida??
Mer: Yeah?
Hic: You l-look--- *passes out too*
Laney,Bo,Hiro,Rap: *covering their eyes* Take that thing off. NOW!!! PLEASE!!
Mer: *takes off her braid* Was it that horrible?
Bo: *hand gestures* Uhh Tiny!!
Mer: *gives her the 'tell me the truth' face*
Bo: Oh Fine!! Its was horrible...
Mer: Knew that I wasn't a hairstylist!! :/
All: *laughs* Ask and Dare All The Way!!! BYE!!

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